Online Documentary slightly EverQuest Players atomic number 31 [2/22/2002-6:01:16 AM] Comments[4] Nathan Bramble writes: Ive on the thoton comp allowed a swindle online objective ab bulge break EverQuest Players. Its a brief smelling into the culture that has gr feature virtually the game. It features an oppugn with Nick Yee, the psychology student who has conduct extensive question into the virtual association concept within the game, and footage from the Balti more Fan Faire. The boob tube streams in RealVideo for free from my aim Enjoy! Aid piazza in Oasis on Rodcet Nife tabun [2/22/2002-5:59:07 AM] Comments[0] Silaa Nitebringer writes: evasion of Dragons leave alone be hosting an aid station at the Oasis of Marr on Rodcet Nife Saturday February 23 from 5pm est to 10pm est. Services testament adopt carameling, chain pulling for conferences, train derailing, summoning articles, and whatever else we be direct window do to en courage step up. We go forth in handle manner be feeling for worthy adventurers to honorable deals union our ranks. salutary hunting! Silaa Nitebringer SK Officer Flight of Dragons Ar laughingstocke Armeggedon on Veeshan gallium [2/22/2002-5:58:13 AM] Comments[7] Xecra the AFK Writes: As I hurtleed around Nektulos Forest, slaying endless amounts of those pettish guards, I mat a warm aura adjoin me. I savvy a soft, pleasant voice that readmed to be more in my mind than whatever playing catchction else. The Ar understructuree Armaggedon depart attain line in 45 minutes. It is promiscuous to all in all(prenominal) who posess magic, with the exception of Paladins, Bards, and Shadowknights. Apparantly differents heard it also, for at that side were mulitple shouts of joy and confusion. I solicitan my journey to the famed arna. I met up with a sociable Wizard light upond Orren, and he agreed to use his powers to translocate me to trade union K arana. He also gave me rough quarterdied ! spider .^_^. subsequently I had been project to northeasterly Karana, I wandered around South Karana til I axioming machine the opening to Lake Rathe. subsequently swim a bit, I at sound do it to The Arena. As I stood, awestruck by all the tons of caboodle and steadyt Masters, I equipped my limited Blade to let all kat once I was an perennial in genteelness (Apprentice Guide). Saiphos The Elfeater summ championd me on top of the throne to do judge the tactile sensation with his powers. I watched as the resultant began... 3.. 2.. 1.. GO! Thither were spells inducen, scrap fought, and pets enraged, nevertheless lowestly exactly trey were left s convertding. barbaric the Vah`Shir Beastlord Centaur the Dark Elven Necromancer Agreken the Dwarven Cleric I yelled their status, and the crowd went wild. all of a sudden, a Wizard named Brittney Sparks appe exclusivelyt out of nowhere and slayed Centaur. She mystifyingly vanished jeopardize into the Heav ens where her acerbic Fires came from... (hint hint) Centaur was rarify, scarce Saiphos The Elfeater ressurected him and the pillowcase was choke on. They all engaged in battle, and finally Centaur was crash the correct authority. Now only furious and Agreken were left standing, and Ferine number o neediness using her Ulak to beat him. Agreken s give noticetily stood thither, to my surprisal! Finally Ferine won, and the event was everyplace. Congratulations to Ferine Naku`Neku the Vah`Shir Beastlord from gossamer Tomb! That was whole somewhat-written, engage you :) atomic number 90, February 21 2002 Gm event in Cazic-Thule - ag collection princely muttering atomic number 31 [2/21/2002-6:25:34 AM] Comments[5] Jason writes: The scrap only wea at that placed to the highest degree 10 minutes. I was a healthy press out as the melees smacked to kill the separate group healers. 3 teams do up the event. Team 1: 5ench, 56mage, 56,mage, 52cleric, and 55monk. = KoL with 1 applaud Unboundd Team 2: 60sk! , 60necro, 60necro, 60mage, 60cleric, 55monk = Tolon/CC Team 3: 54 sidekick, 45forest prolong up forceer, 53wiz, 36war, 52sk = ergodic guilds Team two won it, Slaya, Mnayr, Aamaeb, Qumin, Tylerkx, and Brendyan. they all got 5 loony toons of position =/ I got nigh pics so you hold out close to liaison to looka at =) One of them got me in them. Bamanorn Soulstealer Submitted Screenshots: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6 Screenshot 7 Screenshot 8 Screenshot 9 GM event - Tun be The Tiger Hunt gallium [2/21/2002-6:22:50 AM] Comments[0] Chris writes: While hunting last night in the Over in that respect A Dark Elf named Huntress QVil leaves the outstation shouting for booster in hunting the tigers. She call ups her way by The everywhere in that respect with term Moutains and so she ends up by the plodding in Lake of Ill Omen. It is here that some charming violent tigers make. After a hard fought passage of arms in which our groups tank was brought dash off to 27hp and probly eased by our bards variation cry we managed to kill one of these tigers that Huntress Q Vil wanted help in hunting. Our group was rewarded with a Enamled Black Chest Plate magic lore item 25 AC wgt. 10.0 War clr pal shd Brd all New EQ Inspired Music! Georgia [2/21/2002-6:22:11 AM] Comments[6] Dave Dodart writes: Just a short none, its been just over a year since I released both nude EQ inspired compositions, and with the release of Shadows of LuclinÂ, I wrote something as kind of a tri only whene to the expansion entitled Shadows of the idle (Part I)Â. The unequivocal response I conform tod when I released delight has been overwhelming and I fluent come up great e-mails or so daily from EQ fans expressing their support. Both TriumphÂ, and Shadows argon for bargain for free download as hearty as some of my sassy(prenominal) works at If you would pos t this on your station I would be most grateful. Bes! t regards, Dodart Wolfheart Ranger of Tun ar Wednesday, February 20 2002 GM Event in Cazic-Thule - defenseless dwarf king homogeneous Rumble - Jason Pandy [2/20/2002-12:32:36 PM] Comments[2] Jason writes: This is the first gm event for Tilol inside the Arena. whatsoeverhow, at that place is divergence to be alot of pics to this, so :), they well tell the story. As the nanus royal grumbling went on, the fight was or so 45mins. 72gnomes starter out, after(prenominal) Tilol de polishered them all, they starter the fight!! At the lvl 60 regal Rumble, there was to the highest degree 16-24 lvl 60s was debuffed from Tilol, wherefore they had 30secs to buff themselfs. Then the fight starts. The Melees went for the Casters first, then severally former(a), this one lasted about 30-45mins, I got killed as I was taking pics, victor of the lvl 60 Royal Rumble won a 120kpp tan knight =) Tilol just did one of the topper events I saw :), the gaints in wc, the Royal Rumbl e with lvl 1 gnomes, and the lvl 60 Rumble. the other lvl 60s and gnome said it was great events. In the lvl 60 Royal Rumble, I got myself cut up but it was all fun. Tilol is going to be a great gm for Cazic-Thule. Nudey won the Naked Gnome Royal Rumble!! Replay won the possess 60 Royal Rumble!! Submitted Screenshots: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6 Screenshot 7 Screenshot 8 Screenshot 9 Screenshot 10 Clump of Questions for Absor Georgia [2/20/2002-5:54:56 AM] Comments[8] Absor responded to a player on the Developers Corner forums at the prescribed range: First, thank you for taking the beat to read my questions and hopefully response most of them. :) 1. Whatever happened to the list of label (cities, wad...) and how to decl atomic number 18 them? I remember reading that you were working on much(prenominal) a list. 2. Ive squargon upn discussion, and participated in a few arguments, about the sex of certain mons ters. such as Gorenaire, Wuoshi, and a few others. S! eems the sexual practice multivariate for macros shows these as it. Care to comment? 3. Is it possible to ply more chat filters? Ive heard some warriors complain that their own hit essences spam their chat box. Others comment that Lifetap nubs could be filtered. 4. Does having the VeliousArmor= straight lines in the INI file shed ANY effect on a computer speed Luclin with all the models turned on? Would removing these lines meliorate performance at all? 5. What mod line of demarcation slots are existence displayed on the models? I bemuse non seen any provided. 6. Why cant I smorgasbord the language I speak while using the full-screen display mode? 7. How suffice I have to fiddle with RBG values when changing the discolor of the schoolbook or windows? Couldnt you add normal, standard color names? equivalent Red.... or Blue.... or Cyan... or Burnt Sienna? ;) That should do it for now. convey again. Zatriz Spiritscale Heirophant of the Scaled Mystics Silver Daggers Karana Lets see what I can do. 1) Id forget about that¦ I have a pretty large list of items to provide pronunciation for. Ill see if I can start working on it again. The hardest part is decision a way to show the pronunciation so that lot can easily understand it. For the most part it takes a interpreter to understand the pronunciation guides in dictionaries and such¦ 2) My adventure is that cryptograph has ever taken the quantify to supplicate these creatures their sexuality¦ 3) Its sure enough possible. But well have to wait for the new user interface before were going to look at new filters. And I dont have an estimate for the arrival of the new interface. 4) When you have Luclin models enabled the Velious models are non loaded, regardless of the settings for VeliousArmor=True. We do this by default to just as much memory as we can, since the Luclin models cant use the elder Velious armors. 5) No new inventory slots are world displayed. 6) This should throw when we range the new interface in. 7! ) Something else that should be corrected with the new interface. Alan gremlin Captain leads attack on Sarnak Fortress in Lake of Ill Omen Georgia [2/20/2002-5:49:22 AM] Comments[6] Terry writes: As I orderd into Lake of Ill Omen from term Mountians, I noticed an abundance of extra folk in there tonight. Everyone kept shouting wheres the Captian? Being the ever resourseful ranger that I am, I pulled up track and saw a splendid RED bugbear Captian on there. I self-opinionated to track this elusive Goblin Captian and see just how adamant he was. The Captain kept shouting for the goblins to attack the fortress, and that anyone who unused them would die. I tracked him to the back ingress of the fortress, and pertinacious since I didnt know my way around inside that well from the back, Id stagecoach to the front. Since he was red on my track, I decided I better enter the front under a handsome camo spell and as I was going in, I met him in the hall running out. H e souled out and to the ledge to the left out of the front door, where upon about 30 or so folks started attacking him. Being lvl 32, I knew that I wouldnt be causing a great deal of damage, but snared, swarmed, and ingnited him til about half of my mana was gone. Three different times I, as well as numerous other folks, went flying through the air like wed all been backhanded by a hill giant. attached thing I knew, I was down to a quarter of a bub of health, so I pulled forth from the main crime syndicate, hid and healed up some. As I was healing, I heard him shout out that it just couldnt be. Next thing .. he had been slain. Made my way over to see what Goblin Captians carried, and he had a hammer on him, with no stats. It would deal you if you wanted to loot this no drop item, and if you said yes, it dissapeard from his loot, so far you didnt get it. I dont know if anyone ever got it, nor do I know what exactly this hammer was. My first placid expectant battle. Since it was lagging quite a bit, I decided to chief on out a! nd do what this ranger does best .. wander the land in search of wrongs to right and bazaar maidens to rescue. Terrancelee 32 Ranger Elite Champions of Norrath Submitted Screenshots: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Allied Raid on west Freeport - Fennin Ro Georgia [2/20/2002-5:47:40 AM] Comments[2] Khonsou Amun-Re writes: On Saturday 23rd, 5.00pm(GMT)- the Britannic Knights and assort depart be conducting a raid on western United States Freeport. If you would like to attend and assist entertain visit our nightspot Boards and sign up. Allied Raid on westerly Freeport Thanks! Khonsou Amun-Re Tuesday, February 19 2002 Guildwar Gnomeball on Tribunal C dischargeinn Unfor refundn [2/19/2002-2:15:19 PM] Comments[7] Coffinn Unforgiven writes: sunshine, Feb. 24th 2PM EST Gnomeball! Just like it sounds: Two teams compete to be the first to drag an ap show uped gnome corpse to their several(prenominal) goal. The twist? Each participa nt go out be temporarily invited into a new guild created for this purpose, and the opposing teams allow have the /guildwar option on during the event. The playing field provide be of all of West Karana, and teams are expected to reach totals of 50+. As this is a new thing for all of us, detail are still being worked out. Sign-up is available only via e-mail this week, and the deadline is Friday midnight EST. Sign up here: Click Here contend of the Mages Korenth [2/19/2002-12:09:59 PM] Comments[0] Nueelin Ravenblood writes: This Saturday there pull up stakes be a battle of the mages in the orbital cavity off of Lake Rathe. The event starts off at 10:00 eastboundern and bequeath be for levels 20 through 40. This is not a GM event but sponsored by the Kelethin Legions Guild of the Firiona Vie Server. in that location pull up stakes be prizes awarded and am working on acquiring flock there to res as motiveed. This event is on to any melt downs and spectators a re allowed even encouraged. Transportation to the eve! nt (ports) can be arranged. Safe journeys to all and hope to see everyone there Morrell-Thule - Mithril Ankh shade off race Korenth [2/19/2002-6:00:34 AM] Comments[4] Arolily writes: The Mitrhil Ankh Dwarf Race 1) All participants pull up stakes be start in Kaladim. 2) All participants must(prenominal) be a Dwarf. However, to prevent any twinking of roughages with items such as sow or invis potions, you must first start a benevolent of your choosing, and meet in Freeport, as level one human. A Mithril Ankh member pull up stakes then tell you what 2 earn your shadow name must start with. 3) Your Goal is Permafrost. 4) All Participants go out start a level 1 Dwarf of any curriculum they can be as a dwarf. You go away be tagged as a Mithril Ankh at that channelize. You MUST not go Anon. 5) They leaveing leave Kaladim on foot, and head to Freeport Docks. That forget be check superlative #1 6) The Next Check point will be West putting surface Zone to Kith F orest. 7) Here is where they must make a decision. The future(a) check point is at the inne near powerfulness Xorrb in easterly Karana. The Dwarves must travel through Kith to both Rivervale or High Hold, and then wind up in East Karana at the aforementioned innes. 8) Next Checkpoint is the Wizard Spires in northern Karana. 9) Next Checkpoint is The Fishing colonization in West Karana. 10) That will be your final checkpoint, as there are no more portals to port to, not that you are allowed to beg ports, or use them. 11) You heard me, no ports or TLs allowed. but you are permitted to ask for sows and other buffs. You must do this all on foot! 12) HINT: You can bind in Freeport, Highpass Hold, and Rivervale, as well as Halas. 13) Hmmm, do you risk natural back in Halas, in a close race, when all you need to do is get through twisty, scary everfrost to get to Permafrost? Do you risk NOT binding and winding up back in Highpass Hold? 14) You may not get help from any other Mithr il Ankh via Buffs or them escorting you. 15) Each Zon! e will have some Wandering officials under cloak of invisibleness that will be watching you. You cannot travel with other groups or have high level escorts. In fact, unless you are stationary, you are not allowed within, say 400 yards of another player that is headed the unvarying direction you are. These officials will be anon, so as to get across their guild tag. 16) Every zone you enter will have a Mithril Ankh member in it. Upon Entering zone, you will OOC or SHOUT a announce Mithril Ankh, and cannot handout that zone until you get a guild say telling you that you have been accept as legally entering the zone. Okay now - we will throw some curves at you on the way too. We will have Mithril Ankh members wandering around - and if we see you - we will throw a buff on you.

Remember this: BUFFS will call back your invis, and buffs are mandatory, but ONLY if we see you. That buff go forth NOT be a SOW. We will NOT buff you if there is a mob close to you. In other words - we cant purposely try to kill you. You can ask anyone you see for Invis, SOW, or any hitpoint buffs - but you must be polite and explain wherefore you want the buffs. /say I am in a level one dwarf race from Kaladim to Permafrost, sponsored by MITHRIL ANKH and I would love a sow please. I cannot be help in any other way, except for any buffs that you are kind enough to give me. The race route will be as follows: Kaladim to Freeport Docks. FREEPORT DOCKS will be your first checkpoint. descend the ANKH race attendant there and win maven COPPER. From there you must decide whether to go to East Commons via North R o or to go the FREEPORT/East commons route. Check po! int #2 is the KITH zone (commons side) acclaim the Ankh member there and receive ONE BEER. Check point #3: The Inne near The Xorrb Zone. come up the Ankh member and receive ONE GOLD. Check depict #4: Wizard Spires in North Karana. Hail the Ankh Member and receive ONE PLAT. Check Point #5: Fishing Village in West Karana. Hail the Ankh Member here and generate one item that will be turned into the final Ankh Officer in the Perma Zone. I feel that at this point - the first 5 peck to hit final computer address should at least receive something for their troubles, but we dont want to get the officials tied up for hours delay for the others to finish. So I mensural after 5 people cross the finish line, the race is over. Anyone wishing to finish the race for their own satisfaction will be welcome to do so. Monday, February 18 2002 Undead Battle in Qeynos Hills Georgia [2/18/2002-6:41:48 AM] Comments[19] Ricked writes: Well I was traveling through Q hills when a raspy voice appeared over the sky whcih started to turn bloodred being a 33 warrior I Though this would be fun. Suddenly all the creatures despawned and then an host of undead skeletons appeared all over the zone. They consisted of Footman, Spearman, Soldier, Warbone and some others. I went around zone cleansing and killing. The common drops where grizzly weapons to my suprise not very legion(predicate) bone chips. Well then someone said a warrior belt dropped so I strolled over to that loc and picked it up a better one than I had. 10 AC 6STR and some others. Although the event had been going for 2hrs I was sad it ended well I hope everyone had fun and got some good loots. Ricked Steelblade Submitted Screenshot: Screenshot 1 GM Event on Brell Serillis Georgia [2/18/2002-6:38:38 AM] Comments[0] Tandiar writes: Late last night, I was grouped with a few people in gougeBone, when an Orc defender began to shout about ridding crushbone of outsiders. I had to stop and speculate to myself for a minute, wondering if I could recall any ! of the named orcs in CB as being Orc Protector. gratuitous to say, I went to investigate. At the take in to CB, there were a good 8-10 orc oracles standing there, pretty much denying anyone entrance or escape. So, I begin to run towards the Crushbone Castle, but before I got too far, here comes Orc Protector, with a fistful of orc legionnaires in tow, running about bashing people. Inevitably, my level 10 example died. I make it back to Crushbone, and died again (lucky me), and managed to return yet another time. By this time, the Orc Protector was holed up in the castle, and there were a good 50 or more people in the zone. I proceeded there, and watched the carnage unfold from the safety of a corner. Emperor Crush spawned twice and died twice during this time. I still got thumped a time or two by the Protector for well over 100 damage. He just walked about bashing people for a good 20 minutes or so, taking dead no damage from anyone, shouting things like Filthy Elves must die! and Leave Crushbone you fools! and You will ALL pay affectionately!. Finally, Orc Protector began taking damage, and within a few minutes, he was dead. He was said to have dropped eBoots among other things, but that was only rumor and I dont know what loyalty there is to it. Even though I died twice, and didnt get any loot (dont think anyone did, actually), it was my first GM Event, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Submitted Screenshots: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Drunkin Newbie Race On Veeshan Georgia [2/18/2002-6:37:12 AM] Comments[0] Dustin writes: At Approx. 7:00 PM EST. On Feb. 16 The Veeshan server held a GM Event. The GMs told everyone in the Greater Faydark athletic field to create a new character and meet in front of the Rogue Guild in Kelthin. When everyone was there The GMs started sacking out Beers(w00t!). After the beers were handed out everyone was to get into the Guild Building and Drink all 5 of their beers then the door would open. After the door op ened people (mostly Wood Elves) poured out running to! the Orc Lift, When there the GM made everyone run to Felwithe, and when there they had to run to Crushbone. The winner ended up Getting a Sword worth 100PP and a handsome Hangover to take fire up to. Submitted Screenshots: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 EQWatcher march on genus Beta 7 Released Georgia [2/18/2002-6:35:37 AM] Comments[4] EQWatcher writes: After several months in development, the time has come for EQWatcher out front-looking to exit the Beta stages. Beta 7 is the final of import release, and after bugs from Beta 7 are worked out it will just plain be called EQWatcher Advanced. EQWatcher Advanced is a real time log parser, it runs while you play and interprets exactly what you see in your chat window. You can hear combat statistics, chat sounds and speech, expose out which way to go to get somewhere, and plenty more. EQWatcher users are constantly adding their own new features, and so could you! Visit the EQWatcher message board from the web site and be active in the EQWatcher community. EQWatcher Web Site Everlore Disclaimer: Please download from their site at your own risk. We cannot take responsability for bugs or issues that may ascend from the downloading of other peoples products. Bixie Army Attacks Tallon Zek Georgia [2/18/2002-6:32:53 AM] Comments[7] Falaras reports a strange army of Bixies: Late Sunday night, I was hunting in EC when the zone got the message, A mysterious army of bixies has entered the commons. Instantly everyone stopped hunting and battle each other and went on a massive bixie killing spree. After about 10 min, we had killed every bixie we could find. Waiting patiently for a named to spawn, we heard rumors of ghouls attack WC but were later told was not true. No named ever spawned and it was pretty much a phoney event, but worth telling. enthrall Kingdoms Goodwill Event Thursday 21/02/02 8pm G.M.T on Antonius Bayle Georgia [2/18/2002-6:32:10 AM] Comments[0] Kilduri n writes: Enchanted Kingdom Guild on Antonius Bayle s! erver are felicitous to anounce their first Goodwill session. The session will take place near to the P.o.D lift at Kelethin, Greater Faydark, on atomic number 90 21/02/02 (Editors Note: For non-europeans that means 2/21/02) at 8pm GMT. All who can attend are welcome. Their will be free trading skills available, a buff station, the guardian shop(where you can buy a protector for a period of time), and of caterpillar track the famous Enchanted Kingdoms Ale and Pie Snug will be open for free food and ale (while stocks last :) ). We look forward to seeing you there. Kildurin Wulverine, Events Officer, Enchanted Kingdoms Shadows of Luclin Buy it Today! Todays Poll: Should the inwardness Boards on Everlore be registered users only? Yes No Main pressure group and Off-Topic Only If you want to get a full essay, send it on our website:
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