Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Me, Myself and Madness Essay

What is madness? Madness cannot be categorized into one definition, nor can it be simplified into one specific action. In Hamlet, Hamlet, prince of Denmark, is consumed by madness and is alternately driven to his own death. Despite the fact that many people believe that Hamlet’s mad behavior was planned and controlled. It is arguable that his madness was not feigned, and he was actually insane. Hamlet was drove into madness by the demonic possession of the ghost of Hamlet, the deep grudge he had for his mother Gerturde, and the craving for revenge he had for the death of his father In act 1, scene 4, Hamlet, Horatio and Marcellus are confronted by the ghost that has been roaming around the outskirts of the castle. Hamlet sees, and recognizes that the ghost that has been haunting his home is none other than the spitting image of his father, the late king Hamlet, who was inconspicuously murdered by his own brother Claudius, who later becomes king of Denmark, instead of Hamlet. The ghost calls out for Hamlet to follow him alone into the woods. Hamlet’s perseverance led him to believe that the ghost of his father had the answers that he desperately needed, and for that, Hamlet decided to follow him alone. Horatio (warning Hamlet against following his father’s ghost) gravely warned Hamlet that if he follows the ghost, it might â€Å"deprive your soverereignty of reason and draw you into madness.† In other words, Hamlet’s madness began when he became possessed (both body and mind) by the ghost of his father to bring about his evil deeds. In this case, Hamlet lost his mind when he erased himself from his own brain and replaced it with his father’s commandments. In addition, Hamlet’s madness was also driven by a deep grudge he had for his mother Gerturde. After the death of Hamlet’s father, Gerturde remarried within a month, to his brother Claudius. Hamlet shows provocation at Gerturde for happily marrying so soon. And to add insult to injury, it was to his uncle, of all people. Hamlet questions the faithfulness his mother has towards him,  and later doubts the love Ophellia has for him. For this reason, Hamlet displays resentment, not only towards his mother, but to Ophellia, who was uninvolved in the tragic death of his father, and the sudden remarriage of his mother to his uncle. In act 3, scene 1, Hamlet and Ophellia are having an emotional conversation with each other. Hamlet screams to Ophellia â€Å"get thee to a nunn’ry, why would tho be a breeder of sinners.† For this reason, Hamlet yells â€Å"get thee to a nunn’ry† several times because he exhorts ophellia to become a nun, so that way, she may never breed sinners, like him. Even tho he offends Ophellia by saying this, the insult is more intentionally made for his mother Gerturde. The lack of faithfulness his mother has causes the vulgar behavior he has towards Ophellia, which henceforth progresses Hamlet’s madness.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Exploring How State of Matter Affects the Rate of Diffusion Essay

Introduction Diffusion is the random process by which particles distribute themselves within a container or medium. There are two factors that distinguish how substances move passively through membranes. The first factor is hydrophobic , a nonpolar molecule that can dissolve in a lipid bilayer and freely move through the membrane. However a hydrophillic molecule consisting of ions and polar molecules inhibit in their movement through the membrane making it a slower diffusion process. Selectively permeable, moreover, are charged atoms and molecules that are mostly blocked from traveling through the membrane due to the hydrophobic center. The purpose of this experiment was to test how the state of matter affects the rate of diffusion in a semi-solid vs. a liquid state. If the Potassium Permanganate crystals are placed in Petri dishes filled with water and 2% agar, then the crystals will diffuse at a faster rate in water than in the agar. The addition of the Potassium Permanganate crystals to the water and agar, there will be a result of more diffusion and more obvious color change in water compared to agar which will result in a slower less obvious diffusion. Materials The materials needed for this experiment are: One Petri dish with 2% agar and one Petri dish of water filled half way up to test the rate of diffusion. Also, two small crystals of potassium permanganate and one pair of forceps will be needed to place in the Petri dishes. One metric ruler will be need as well to measure the change of color in diameter and one 8 x 11 piece of white paper will also be used for safety precautions. Methods First, a member of the group will gather all the materials including the Petri dishes filled with tap water and 2% agar, forceps, ruler, 8X11 piece of white paper and the jar that contains the potassium permanganate crystals, and bring the materials back to the designated area. Then the experimenter will start to conduct the experiment. Then the experiment will consist of placing the empty Petri dish and the agar Petri dish on top of the white paper side by side. Second, Tap water will be added to a half way point in the empty Petri dish until it is approximately the same level as agar in the other Petri dish. Before continuing, wait for the water to stop moving to get an accurate measure of the diffusion. After that, have lab partner assist with placing potassium permanganate crystals into the agar Petri dish, while at the same time, the primary experimenter places the other two potassium permanganate crystals into the tap water. Be sure not to splash water in the aqueous dish. The moment that each crystal has been lowered is Time Zero. A purple color will be obvious immediately. Next have the experiment observe the diffusion rate for every 3 minutes for the next 15 minutes. For every 3 minutes, measure the diameter of the diffusion circle in millimeters (mm) and write down the measurement on the chart given. Be careful not to disturb the aqueous Petri dish. Discussion The results show that there a major difference in the rate of diffusion between 2% agar and tap water. Immediately, when the potassium permanganate crystals were dropped at 0, there was already an instant diffusion of 2 mm, compared to agar which was 1mm. Because water is a polar molecule, diffusion across membranes travel quicker compared to a nonpolar substance like agar that diffuse though the lipid part of a membrane. At the first 3 minute mark, it shows that the crystals have diffused relatively fast at 15 mm, compared to the diameter in agar which has slowly diffused to 5 mm. for the next 12 minutes, results have show that the diameter in water has increase about 8 – 10 mm every 3 minutes and agar has stayed the same throughout. Due to passive transport, the movement of molecules from the potassium permanganate have a higher concentration, and are then added to water which diffuses from that high concentration to a lower concentration. This was the expected result. Since water is polar, the crystals can easily diffuse through the gradient. Furthermore, with agar being a nonpolar molecule, it maintained a state of dynamic equilibrium because it diffused slower but was diffused evenly. However since other factors do play a role in the rate of diffusion, maybe temperature could have changed the rate of diffusion for the two Petri dishes. Also had the allotted time been different there may have also been a change in the results. There were no negative results or errors made during this experiment. Based on the results it can be concluded that dropping potassium permanganate crystals into water, diffuses across the gradient faster compared to 2% agar. This does support the initial hypothesis and the predictions were accurate.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Maslow’s theory of needs in individualistic and collectivist cultures Malika Kassymova Essay

1. Abstract Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivation theory elaborated by a humanistic psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. Maslow’s theory consists of 5 main levels of needs that form a pyramid: Physiological, Safety, Belongingness and Love, Esteem, Self-Actualization (Janet A. Simons, 1987). Even though this theory is most commonly used in individualistic cultures, some findings suggest that it may also be applied in collectivist culture. However, the results will differ from those in individualistic cultures. In a collectivist culture, the basic need is belonging to the society; self-esteem is eliminated, and self-actualization is attained in terms of meeting societal development needs (Gambrel, P. A.& Cianci, R., 2003). Thus, contrary to the belief that the basic concept of self-actualisation applies to any human being in any culture, the current findings suggest that an individual’s needs are partially bound by culture. Implications include important impa ct on the workplace, as the concept of self-actualization shouldn’t be forced upon a collectivist culture and vice versa (Nevis, 1983). 2. Introduction 2.1 Review Most famous authors that have investigated international implications of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs include Geert Hofstede, Edwin C. Nevis. Other individualism-collectivism studies by Hampden-Turner and Trompenaars, Schwartz, Bilsky, Ivtzan and Tanaka have a direct relation to theories of motivation as well. 2.2 Purpose  The purpose of this literature review is to organise, compare and synthesize academic papers related to the Maslow’s theory of motivation and to indicate the sources of obtained data. 3. Application of Maslow’s theory in individualistic and collectivist cultures 3.1 Beginning of studies Individualism – collectivism is one of four dimensions of culture in different countries developed by Geert Hofstede. According to (Hofstede, National Cultures in Four Dimensions, 1983), in an individualistic society individuals look after themselves and immediate family members. He defines collectivism as a preference for a close social framework where family members and other in-group members look after them in exchange for loyalty; individualism, on the contrary, refers to a more self-oriented approach to socialization. 3.2 Methodology & Findings Source: In a recent study (Ivtzan, 2010) the cultural validity of self-actualization is tested using the Personal Orientation Inventory (POI) questionnaire developed by (Shostrom, E.L, 1980) as a comprehensive measure of the self-actualizing characteristics originally highlighted by Maslow. The POI questionnaire was tested on 100 British participants and 100 Indian participants as these two cultures belong to 2 different cultures (Hofstede,, 2004). In support of the hypothesis, the results showed British participants scored significantly higher than the Indian participants on 10 out of the 12 scales, meaning that Individuals from an individualistic culture are more likely to be closer to the self-actualizing ideal, as measured by these scales, than individuals from a collectivistic culture. Thus, one’s cognition and motivation are affected by the social system in which they are raised and fulfilling one’s potential is expressed differently in these cultures. Collectivistic cultures are more ‘other orientated’ with strong emphasis on approval, acceptance and adherence to social groups (Erez & Earley, 1993). In support of this, Tanaka (1978) tested individualistic and collectivistic differences in agreeable responses to various behavioural statements. For example, in response to the statement â€Å"To do something good for society†, participants from Indonesia, Pakistan and India scored the highest and those from Australia and New Zealand the lowest. However, in response to the statement â€Å"To achieve personal happiness†, the pattern of results was reversed. Similarly, Riesman et al (1953) describe that the other-directed person â€Å"hardly thinks of himself as an individual† (p.33) further suggesting that collectivists that define themselves in such an ‘other-directed’ way are less likely to be inner orientated than individualists. Therefore, prestigious companies such as Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS, 2007) that actively use Maslow’s motivational theory may fail to effectively ‘reach out’ their more collectivist employees. Source: 4. Summary Hofstede (1983) and Nevis (1983) both conclude that the hierarchy of needs developed by Maslow stresses individual achievement rather than collective, since it was developed on the basis of individualistic US model. However, Hofstede (1983) and Trompenaars (1993) agree that the American way of management does not apply across all cultures, especially as those in Asia. Living to our fullest potential is a universal theme and the route towards unlocking this potential and fulfilling it might be dependent on our cultural values. Therefore, the results of using Maslow’s model will differ in individualist and collectivist cultures. Further research is needed to establish whether the fulfilment of the individual in a non-Western, collectivistic culture is idealised in a different way (Ivtzan, I., Gardner, H. E., Bernard, I., Sekhon, M., & Hart, R., 2013). 5. Implications for Managers Individualistic countries desiring to invest in collectivist countries (e.g. China) can increase their profitability through understanding of collectivist culture and vice versa. Companies where management models are based on individualism shouldn’t force their management practices upon a collectivist environment. For example, in a collectivist culture like China, Nevis (1983) suggests that Chinese business practices should be governed by being a good member of society and placing group needs before individual needs. Therefore, a team-based organizational structure should be put in place by the investing firm. The human resource management plan should also design a benefits plan that centres on the work group with a focus on housing, medical care, and education. Cultural research is important in human resource management in order to divide between individualistic and collectivistic cultures, allowing both to work efficiently and effectively, side by side, in the same organisational environment (Ivtzan, I., Gardner, H. E., Bernard, I., Sekhon, M., & Hart, R., 2013). Also, the human resource management plan should implement a comprehensive cultural training program designed to increase understanding and awareness of a collectivist culture to avoid confrontations and situations that would cause one to lose face (Gambrel, P. A.& Cianci, R., 2003).

Acuscan Critical Thinking Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Acuscan Critical Thinking Case Study - Essay Example Using the Wilson Marketing data as the basis for the product development and its features, Pat and Cliff insisted that the product had to be delivered. âž ¢Using the company profit reports, Pat and Cliff insisted that the prevailed opportunity for the company to launch a new product was the only chance. âž ¢Pat and Cliff use the profit reports to focus on potential new product development rewards even when the budget for the new product demanded an additional 15% cut across the board. âž ¢ Kelly’s external redesign had merits to the company and the customers since it offered them a less obtrusive design. Data suggested that such a move would satisfy the unmet customer needs. AcuScan 11 could be made by improving only one feature of the existing product thus mirroring Pat’s argument about the iScanner 1.1 (UOP, 2003). However, the AcuScan 1.1 could have been improved and build upon the existing reputation and quality recognition. Question 7 âž ¢ Competitors have entered the marketplace (Paul & Elder, 2006)âž ¢Dissimilar expectations about profits, brand, quality and competition coexist within numerous departments. âž ¢ Kelly’s department now earns the most money for the company because of its role in service. âž ¢ Kelly’s department would be responsible for the new product development. âž ¢Pat, Cliff and Chris needed to consider that Kelly’s department had suffered budget cuts and staff reductions.Question 8  Despite the numerous challenges that the company was going through, there was still a room for improvement.  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Recessive Lethal Mutations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recessive Lethal Mutations - Essay Example Recessive Lethal Mutations In order to understand how genes specify a biological process of both phenotypes that can occure and the number of genes involve, it is important identifying the mutated genes. Because high mutation frequencies can be obtain with chemical mutagens. Actually the mutation frequency can vary widely for different loci, chemical mutagens can induce mutation in most genes. With all these advantages, there is still some disadvantage associate with it because cloning mutant gene is difficult, as these chemicals usually cause point mutations. Positioning cloning chemical induce mutants are made feasible over time, but cloning remain expensive and laborious in vertebrate animal with large genomes. A less effective approach to chemical mutagenesis that greatly speeds the cloning of mutant genes is known as insertional mutagenesis. The integration of exogenous DNA sequences into a genome can be mutagenic, and the inserted DNA serves as a tag to clone mutated genes, though fewer lesions are obtai ned per genome and also insertional mutagens seldom, if integrated randomly into host DNA. When large-scale genetic screening is carried out, it results in successful identification of many genes that define embryological pathways. However, two scientists from Boston and Tubingen are inspired by the remarkable characteristic of the zebrafish, along with the first zebrafish genetic screening identified mutant embryonic phenotype in F3 generation. Some of the mutated developmental genes identified in the two screens have been cloned, which assist in the dissection of the gene network that controls the early development. For example, the mutated genes in the endoderm mutants such as casanova, bonnie and clyde, and faust can be assembled into a genetic pathway that have been shown tom encode transcription factors that are necessary for endoderm formation. Analysis of proviral insertions has revealed that different germ cell are infected independently in F1 progeny and with high titer virus stocks they often have multiple integrations and any given insertion is transmitted mosa ically to between 1% and 40% of the F1 pronegy. Individual F1 fish can inherit multiple insertion and proviral insertions in F1 fish and transmitted in a mendelian fashion. When outcrossing founder fish, identified F1 fish with single proviral insertion, generated an F2 family for each insertion, and then inbred transgenic F2 fish and examined F3 progeny to identify mutation. This system is not too efficient for large-scale screen because each insertion was inbred individually, therefore

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development Essay - 3

Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development - Essay Example The focus is on Leadership.This section is purely theoretical identification and review with proposition(s) proposed (approximate 700 words). Characteristics/attributes associated with entrepreneurship. The emphasis is on that of the business entrepreneur and/or factors that are likely to impact on the entrepreneur and/or the creation of a new venture or venture activities. Typical topics include: motivation, leadership, invention, innovation, and approaches to change, but these are not limited. A critical review of the existing literature in the knowledge field with an in-depth insight, focusing on the selected topical area. Various theories/conceptual perspectives centered on the selected topical area are identified, reviewed, discussed and synthesised. A proposition/propositions being proposed based on literature reviewed. 3. Practical Evidence (15%): Collect information about the entrepreneur focused on the theme you selected in the literature review and review relevant material related to the selected entrepreneur (approximate 850 words). Describe and discuss the process you undertook to collect the secondary data about the chosen business entrepreneur, e.g., mention library, Internet, and any other sources that you consulted. Some appreciation of the limitation of this approach. A detailed description of the business entrepreneur and/or the venture created. This should be based entirely on material (via the secondary research) related to the conceptual material presented in literature review. The description of the identified examples/evidence in practice is focused, reflecting and coherent with appropriate and sufficient evidence to support. 4. Analysis (20%): A synthesis of the material on the selected entrepreneur and the review of the literature. Discussions are to generate insights into the entrepreneur from the theory (approximate 850 words). A focused analysis and synthesis of the material on the selected entrepreneur

Friday, July 26, 2019

Literature Review on two topics (2000 words) Essay

Literature Review on two topics (2000 words) - Essay Example Therefore, this literature review discusses approaches pertaining to risks assessments in projects. Numerous scholars have examined various methods of assessing risks in projects. As such, the topic of methods of risk assessment is well presented. The authors selected by this study present imperative publication that can help one explain the subject of risk assessment comprehensively. Risk virtually refers to the possibility of loss, disadvantage, destruction or injury that may accompany a project. Risk assessment entails identifying a qualitative and quantitative cost of risks associated with the situation. The quantitative aspect examines the magnitude of the probable loss and the chances that the risk will occur. Risk assessment should be an evolving and learning practice, capable of adjusting to novel and dynamic demands of the project. According to McManus (2004), an ideal risk management plan should employ tactical procedures, methodologies and tools effective for predicting all probable risks accurately. Ideally, studies argue that the risk management refers to a concept of identifying risk, examining the risk and outline policies or approaches for lightening the risk. Ammar, Kayis and Amornsawadwatana (2012) state that risk assessments approach should involve analyzing the experiences of successful projects and engaging reliable professionals and analysts in the field. Methods of analyzing risks vary with the industries and the purpose of the assessment. An analysis may have a financial purpose, environmental or healthy impacts purpose. Studies have identified numerous methods of assessing risks. Risk assessment methods can be grouped into three broad categories: the qualitative, semi-quantitative, and quantitative (McManus 2004, p. 23). According to Wysocki (2012), qualitative assessments enable one to identify assents of priority and classify one that demands simple and rapid evaluation. The method is applicable often in situations

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Issues of Deportation in the UK Research Paper

The Issues of Deportation in the UK - Research Paper Example Apart from these 3 grounds, immigration officers have powers to remove people who have been refused leave to enter the UK. They can also remove illegal entrants i.e. people who have entered without express permission. Further, the Immigration Act 1999 provides the immigration officers powers to remove people who have exceeded the period for which they were allowed to live in the UK.1 This power is also given in cases where the people concerned have obtained leave to reside by deception. The same section also gives power to the immigration officers to remove members of the families of such people. Where any person is liable for deportation under the relevant provision of Immigration Act, 1971, the Secretary of the State may make an order of deportation against him. This means that the person will be ordered to leave the United Kingdom. Any leave granted to him to reside in the United Kingdom shall stand revoked after the order of deportation is passed. The order also means that the person will not be allowed to enter the United Kingdom again.2 In the light of the powers given to administrative authorities to enforce deportation or otherwise to cause the removal of persons whose removal would be conducive to a public good, there are bound to be challenging to orders of deportation. Many appeals against deportation orders are filed before immigration appellate tribunals. There are certain circumstances where the persons ordered to be deported challenge the deportation on the ground that they are not likely to commit the offense again. Gina Clayton, in her Textbook on Immigration Law, asserts that despite this, the judicial authorities may be prepared to uphold deportation on the basis that it may serve as an example and deter others. It is firstly to be said that the work of the author from which statement is taken is a textbook on immigration law.  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

NYC HOMELESS POLICY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

NYC HOMELESS POLICY - Research Paper Example Main reasons and causes for homelessness as written by many reports and studies include; poverty (that is caused by many factors like unemployment), war, abuse by the government or people with power, lack of affordable housing among others. This paper will focus on the temporary shelter policy for New York Homeless people. There has been a lot of criticism and debate on the temporary shelters policy for some time now. The coalition for the homeless says that the mayor’s tact relies on short-term emergency interventions, at the expense of long term federally funded options like housing programs that have had promising results in the past. During an interview with WCBS 880’s reporter Paul Murnane, the coalition’s executive director, Mary Brosnahan said, â€Å"sadly this year, the state for the homeless in New York City has never been worse, today for the first time in New York history, we have 50,000 sleeping each night in our shelter system and that includes over 21,000 homeless kids†. The Homeless Service Commissioner Seth Diamond said the numbers of the homeless entering the system are falling. On the same issue, the mayor, Bloomberg on his part said â€Å"that the coalition is not a reputable organization. He blamed the increase in the number of homeless in the shelters on Albany and Washington. ... The temporary shelters are better than nothing at. This is because they keep the homeless people off the street as the shelters are located in designated areas. Because of this reason, they need to be maintained until a more permanent solution can be found. This can be done in a number of ways one being identifying the fakes from the genuine homeless people. According to a report in the New York Times, more than one out of four families in shelters, 28 percent, include at least one employed adult, city figures show, and 16 percent of single adults in shelters hold jobs. This means that the City of New York is paying to run shelters for people who are employed. If this continues, there will be an overflow of people in the shelters leading to disease outbreak, congestion and worse living conditions. The mayor’s administration should stop this exploitation by the people able to rent cheap housing for themselves; so that they can have an accurate number of the city’s homele ss for effective planning and maintenance. It would also be difficult to maintain the shelters because of the increasing number of the homeless population. This refers to the homeless families that have been living in shelters for years and have increased the number of children in their families. This means that they will require more tents to fit the number of people in the family for privacy and a little bit of comfort. The maintenance money will also have to increase because there are more mouths to feed than the original number. The children of the homeless are more often than not faced with the same fate as their parents and part from growing up in shelters, they end up living in them when they grow up thus the shelter dilemma becomes a vicious cycle. Poverty is another

IT Project problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT Project problems - Essay Example The project was a good example of organizational problems leading to failures in IT projects. The key stakeholders were Deloitte and the state. Deloitte was to blame for the mishap due imminent organizational issues as will be discussed. There was lack of clear communication of what would be termed as the deliverable. In such a case, it was possible to deem the project as a success without much questioning. Krigman (2013) states that the Deloitte group simply understated the problems as â€Å"issues and challenges† and that the systems were in a working condition in other states. This was a technical lapse owing to the fact that the project at hand was actually cancelled, after the long time and expenses. Success in an IT project depends on a number of factors, which lie under the realm of the management. Amongst these are time, budget, value, quality, professionalism and satisfaction to the stakeholders. It is upon the project manager to ensure that these factors are met in order to deem a certain project as successful. In view of the case project, none of this was meant, meaning that the project was a critical failure. As part of the ten factor model of project implementation, management support is a crucial agent in distinguishing success from failure in projects. Project management is deemed to depend on the management for authority and direction and also as a channel for implementation of the goals and plans of the organization. The manner in which the management supports a project determines the degree to which the clients will accept e same project. Thus, top management support is a combination of the resources allocated for the project, as well as the support available when a crisis occurs. In order to successfully implement projects, the management should be strict in standard guidelines of the project lifecycle. After the concept is adopted, proper planning should ensure that all necessary requirements are put in place.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Stinky Trainers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Stinky Trainers - Essay Example This means that the goods are owned by the seller (retailer in this case) and, therefore, the seller cannot deny ownership because he is not the manufacturer (Nike). The case of Rowland v Divall applies in this scenario. In this car was bought by the plaintiff from the defendant who was not the owner. It was held that the rightful owner could recover the car. The next consideration here will be whether the parents have a right to claim as far as contract description is concerned. According to section s.13 (1), â€Å"Where there is a contract for selling goods based on description, condition implies that the goods must correspond with the description.† Therefore, this means that goods must agree with the description. The fact that Nike agreed that they had put a cotton canvas in place of artificial lining, implies that the good does not correspond to the description. Therefore, the parents have a right to claim for replacement or refund. This scenario is similar to case of Beal e v Taylor 1967. This concerned a car, which was made of a collection of several vehicles soldered together. The other issue here can also be a consideration of whether the parents have a right as far as the quality of the shoes is concerned. The cases of goods which are usable, but do not meet specific expectations (they have some defect) are addressed in sections.14 (2). The parents have a right to claim for refund or replacement because the shoes are stinky (they are usable but have some defect) and cause embarrassment to the wearer. This is similar to the case law Rogers and another v Parish (Scarborough) Ltd and another 1988. During this case, it was held by the court of appeal that a Range Rover was not of satisfactory quality (un merchantable) even though it was fit to drive. This was because it had a number of defects. Similarly under the same section s.14(2) SOGA 1979, it is not mandatory that the goods be inspected during the time of buying (by the consumer), and that prot ection against defective good is allowed even if Matt had observed that a cotton canvas was put under the laces. Therefore, it can be argued that Matt’s parents can claim for breach of contract. The other part will deal with whether or not Matt’s parents have a right to argue any statements made by Nike Company when contacted by the Watchdog. For instance, one of the statements read: In isolated instances when such a problem has occurred, the company recommends returning of the product to the retailer where the footwear is purchased to ask for a refund or replacement. This statement means that the company accepts to refund the cost of goods purchased if they are found to have a default or do not meet the standards specified. However, they have not mentioned anything concerning liability for any damage caused because of using the shoes. Finally, under rights we shall consider whether the parents have a right to discharge the contract or not. Section s.15 (Sale of Goods Act) implies that the buyer regardless of the magnitude of the damage can discharge a contract (whether big or small). The case law similar to this was that of Arcos Ltd. V E.A. Ronaasen & Son [1933] A. C. 470. This section, however, does not give consideration to liability in clear terms. Therefore, the parents have

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Superior Personality Essay Example for Free

A Superior Personality Essay Every person looks up to a model personality. For some, it could be a fictitious hero like Superman, Spiderman, or Wonder Woman. For others, it could be a successful businessman like Bill Gates or the very young Google creators Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Still, others look up to great leaders like Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. These people with superior personality serve as our role models for they have set the standards for success and self-fulfillment. However, being successful is not just measured by the positions we hold in the government, or the amount of money we make annually. Superiority and success are likewise found in the ability to help others live decently, and empower them to realize their goals. While others tread their ways to success in comfortable living, some choose the thorny path where the needy, the poor, and the helpless awaited resurrection. Among those who chose the second path was Jane Addams, the co-founder of the Hull House, and the first American woman who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. In this paper, we shall analyze the superiority in the personality of Jane Addams—her characteristics as a leader and the reasons why she stood above the rest—in relation to the theories of Sigmund Freud, Carl Rogers, Gordon Allport, John Watson, and Otto Rank. Short Biography Jane Addams (1860-1935) was born in Cedarville, Illinois to a family of six children. Her mother died when she was two years old, leaving them with their father who was a local miller, political leader, and later a senator. Her father served as a strong influence in Addams’ life until she grew up. After Addams attended Rockford Female Seminary where she graduated as valedictorian, she wanted to take up medicine but her father feared that this move will lead her not to marry and have her own family. Therefore, to dissuade her thoughts from attending school, he organized a family tour to Europe, thinking that this would make Addams change her mind. However, John Addams died of acute appendicitis while on vacation. This affected the whole family, and in particular, Jane, who after the tour, enrolled in the medical school. She did not find the same vigor that she had before about medical school, and she was hospitalized often when they went back to the U. S. Finally, after her recovery from spine surgery, she was advised to return to Europe where she discovered what she was longing for. Seeing the Toynbee Hall in London’s slum area, Addams started heading towards the direction of fulfilling her life-long mission. After her second visit to Europe, Addams got the inspiration to establish the Hull House in 1889. By 1893, the foundation already served 2,000 persons, offering intervention in the form of schooling, medical care, legal aid, childcare, and the arts. After founding the Hull House, she launched different projects to help the less fortunate and the weak, among them were Immigrants’ Protective League, and the Juvenile Protective Association, among others. Also in 1893, she served as the first woman president of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. In 1894, she founded the Chicago Federation of Settlements and Neighborhood Centers. Later, she also served as chairwoman of the Labor Committee of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, and took part in the executive board of the National Labor Commission. Just like anyone, Addams had critics who attacked her for her unyielding support of workers. As such, the Hull House suffered in terms of donations, forcing Addams to render lectures on tour, and write articles to support the foundation. This eventually led to the publication of Twenty Years at Hull House, a book which received great public attention. Afterward, despite her criticized efforts to stop war or America’s participation to it, Hull House was still successful. In 1928, Addams suffered from heart attack, which marked the decline of her health. In 1931, she was hospitalized in Baltimore, the same day she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 1931, she died of cancer in her own hometown.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Dystonia in the Joint Hypermobility Syndrome

Dystonia in the Joint Hypermobility Syndrome Ehlers-Danlos syndrome first described by Tschernogobow (1896) in Moscow and Ehlers (1900) in Copenhagen is a mostly autosomal inherited genetic disease of collagen synthesis that sensitizes the ensemble of the connective tissue which becomes less resistant and less elastic. These two characteristics explain the symptomatology: fragility of the skin, of the vessels (haemorrhages) and the presence of a diffuse proprioceptive syndrome due to dysfunction of the receptors which are implanted into little or non-reactive connective tissue. Diagnosis of the hypermobile type of EDS is solely clinical as there is to date no genetic maker for the most frequent form of EDS. The rarity of the disease needs to be put into question before the crowd of patients at consultations. Our experience is based on an active database of 2212 patients which all fall under the Villefranche criteria. A great number of signs and symptoms have yet to be attributed to this syndrome. They are, combined with the una wareness of physicians about the syndrome, at the origin of therapeutic errors accompanied by the iatrogenic effects of prejudice towards these patients. This is the case of dystonia which is present in 75% of our cases. Dystonia plays an important part in the functional discomfort which is at the origin of a number of handicap situations. It seems to be related to dysautonomia common amongst the patients, proprioceptive problems and the multiple pains caused by the syndrome. Dystonia treatment with Amantadine and L-Dopa permits to obtain results which go further than the normally associated extra-pyramidal treatment and opens new perspectives on the management of a syndrome that has been particularly difficult to treat. Key-Words : Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), dystonia, dysautonomia, L-dopa, pains, fatigue. Dystonia in the joint hypermobility syndrome (a.k.a. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, hypermobility type). Introduction Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS) recognition went through many vicissitudes since the first outstanding description by Tschernogobow (1) and Ehlers (2) respectively in Moscow in 1896 and in Copenhagen in 1900. EDS genetic grounds have been recognized since 1949 (4) collagens role as early as 1956 (5). EDS was studied in parallel by the rheumatologists (Brighton and Grahame) and the geneticist (Beighton) who are each working mainly on articular hypermobility with different assessment tests. There is perfect similarity between the rheumatologists joint hypermobility syndrome and the geneticists EDS hypermobility type. These two denominations refer in fact to the same illness. However, a great body of clinical manifestations has not yet been assigned to this syndrome. They are, in combination with the physicians usual unawareness of this syndrome, the cause of many diagnostic wavering with their iatrogenic side-effects that harm the patients. This is the case with dystonia. MATERIAL AND METHODS 2,212 patients were diagnosed and followed up in the Ehlers-Danlos consultation in Paris, between 2006 and 2015. They were all examined by the same physician with the same evaluation grid both qualitative and quantitative allowing to rate from 0 to 4 the symptoms subjective severity and objective data from clinical examination. The populations age varies from 2years to 69 years (mean age: 32). 80% are women. Inclusion criteria All the patients in this study met the criteria of the geneticians Villefranche classification (6). On top of the criteria within this classification, we observed a group of 153 patients examined in 2013 with a quotation of severity equal or superior to 2/4 (medium intensity) with clinical manifestations of the following: multiple pains (95%), fatigue (93%), proprioceptive problems (92%), hemorrhages (93%), GERD (72%), bucco-dental manifestations (72%), hyperacousia (75%), diplopia (74%), SOB (76%), dysautonomia: heavy sweating (70%), cold intolerance (74%), a pseudo Raynaud with cold extremities (84%), cognitive problems : attention (79%) and memory (72%). As of date there is no genetic test available for the hypermobile form of EDS. Finding other cases amongst the patient’s family (95%) is a strong diagnostic argument. Dystonia identification Dystonia was diagnosed if a patient suffered from one or several of the following symptoms: Involuntary muscular contractions without movement such as fasciculation on the face, blepharospasm mainly, on the thigh, reminding of a mobile phone vibration in a trouser pocket, Sudden movements such as a fit of the wrist, the shoulders, the legs or wide movements which results in hitting objects or people or throwing off balance the patient for whom they occur in the lower limbs Trembling, jerking, hesitant hand movements Trembling fingers or thumbs in motion or at rest Muscular contractions often described as hardening of muscles, rigidity, constraining movement, or as cramps Lasting contractions in forced flexion of the thumb or fingers, in flexion and adduction of the feet, Writer’s cramp when writing after variable amounts of time, Incessant, repetitive movement in flexion or extension of the foot and knee when sitting with feet on the ground, Repetitive movement of the trunk alternating between flexion and extension at the hip Diffuse tonic crises at the lower limbs with alternating, violent movements worsened by tenting to immobilize them Short contractions of the lower limbs leading to a fall Partial or generalized tonic-clonic movements and the possibility of hematomas facilitated by the fine skin and the fragility of the vessels. These can be confused with seizure activity but the EEG remains normal Restless leg syndrome at night, which sometimes evolves into very violent jerks Bruxism, which we often encounter in EDS patients could be related to dystonia These dystonic contractions provoke luxations of the shoulder, fingers, a hip, knee or the maxilla. They are most commonly of short duration but can prolong over several days, weeks, months or exceptionally years as we have observed in a few cases. Dystonia is associated with the accentuation of other manifestations of the syndrome. Pain often increases to a very intense level in the part of the body where the dystonia occurs. Dysautonomic problems (vasomotor, sweating, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, freezing and cold intolerance, nausea, sensations of generally feeling unwell, POTS) at which Jaime Bravo (7) attaches fatigue. Pain itself can also provoke dystonia sometimes due to subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, traumatism, or simply during physical exam manoeuvre. It is perceived as painful by these hyperalgesic patients. Dystonia exists in 75% of our patients with the following severity index : 2/4 (39%), 3/4 (29%) and 4/4 (7%). The treatment of dystonia within EDS Our therapeutic approach of EDS (8) centres on the amelioration of the proprioceptive troubles, of the pain as well as the fatigue. Foremost we use proprioceptive shoe inlays and particularly proprioceptive clothing specifically adapted for EDS, derived from the treatment of burn victims and oxygen therapy against fatigue, shortness of breath and migraines. For the last five years we have successfully used Amantadine after the discussion with Pierre Cesaro (neurologist, specialist in the treatment of Parkinson). (9) When it was taken of the market in France we sought to replace it with L-Dopa which we prescribe at a low dosage (62,5 mg q3d –Modopar: 50mg L-Dopa +12,5mg Benserazide hydrochloride) adjusted to the needs of the patient especially in severe cases. We describe here the case of a 54 year old woman, a family medicine physician, who had been diagnosed with EDS-HT. Signs present since childhood worsened at the age of 52: muscular pain, intense fatigue, proprioceptive problems manifesting most importantly with difficulties waling. Signs of dystonia could be observed in the lower limbs. She is very tired with crises of somnolence that disturb her professional life. The fatigue and muscular pain is partially alleviated by wearing proprioceptive shoe inlays, 3 sessions of oxygen therapy (3L/min) 20min/day, baclofen and L-Carnitine. The effects alleviate progressively over the course of 2 months a generalised sensation of muscular rigidity of the legs and face with difficulties in the articulations, muscular twitches increasing in frequency. She started progressively on a treatment with Modopar (62,5mg q3d). The results were spectacular; after 2 weeks she recuperated fluid motion in her legs, the involuntary muscular contractions disappeared, but there was also improvement in her vigilance and in the fatigue. She stopped the Baclofen without forfeiting anything in her muscular state. After 4 months of the treatment with L-Dopa the effects on her vigilance are maintained with the total loss of the hypersomnia. She can cut down her intake of Tramadol extended release threefold. Whereas before she thought about stopping all of her professional activities, she is now able to pursuit her professional life with efficacy. The oxygen therapy is maintained as well as the L-Carnitine for their action on muscles, because c utting down this part of the treatment lead to an increase in muscular pain. Discussion 1 Identifying dystonia as a frequent and evocative manifestation of EDS Dystonia should be looked for in any patient diagnosed with EDS. It even contributes to its diagnosis. On the other hand, when dystonia is present in a patient often associated with psychiatric problems one should think of the possibility of EDS as a diagnosis and inquire about the other evocative signs: diffuse overall pain, fatigue, hypermobility, cutaneous fragility, joint problems, hemorrhages and familial cases. 2 Reflections on the pathophysiology We estimate that the alteration in proprioception plays a large part in the clinical manifestation of EDS. The receptors placed in a more elastic tissue, diminished in its thickness, easily deformed and compressed, having lost their elasticity (with a loss or attenuation of the elastic recoil),which do not or not well (not enough or too much) to solicitations. This is particularly true for the skin, which is the most important organ for the postural proprioception and for movement. This is also very true for the control of muscular activity via neuromuscular connections. This receptor dysfunction is also a plausible explanation for the anarchy within the autonomic nervous system, especially the crises of tachycardia and hypotension due to a loss in reactivity of the carotid sinus receptors implanted in altered collagen. This explanation can be expanded towards the mechanism causing dyspnea at effort, as the mechanoreceptors of the joints do not transmit the proper signals to the resp iratory centers. One of the arguments in favor of this explanation is the positive effect special compressive clothing has on the proprioceptive control of the limbs (less falls, fewer luxation of the shoulder and fingers) and the improvement of the respiratory difficulties when wearing these clothes on the trunk. It is logical to interpret dystonia by way of the same mechanism and the poor information which is received by the specialized area of central nervous system. The positive effect observed by Roland Jaussaud (10) on a patient presenting with permanent, multiple, involuntary movements which completely ceased after starting to wear the special EDS compressive clothing. An association between dystonia and dysautonomia has often been made (11). This corresponds to our observations made in consultation, especially in the instances that our patients came to call â€Å"their EDS crises†. These crises are often accompanied by postural orthostatic hypotension (POTS) which pla ys an important role in the sensation of fatigue. (7,12). They are habitually painful, even very painful. These observations suggest an intricate pathophysiological relationship between dystonia, dysautonomia and pain in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome which become the main therapeutic focus. 3 How to treat dystonia in EDS? The treatment of the proprioceptive problems (clothes and inlays), of the pain (inlays, local treatments to be preferred over the general route), of the fatigue (mostly oxygen therapy) and of the autonomic dysfunction by way of beta-blockers at low dose (13) seems to be a necessary prerequisite to be adjusted towards each patient individually. The specific treatment with anti-Parkinson medications have mostly been followed by their effects included on their effects in grand dystonic crises. The observation of positive effects outside of dystonia bears two questions: Firstly the role of dystonia itself on fatigue by way of less muscular activity and a better automatic control of movement, but also the role of dopamine as a molecule itself in this systemic disease. Conclusions Manifestations of dystonia in EDS is an important adjunct to further diagnosis and treatment, the understanding of its pathophysiology of this complex disease, which is little or poorly diagnosed, altering considerably life quality of the patients suffering from it and a source of many disabling situations. The integration of all the manifestations of dystonia into the symptomatology of EDS enriches the clinic of this syndrome and furthers/advances new therapeutic perspectives in a particularly hard to treat pathology. L-Dopa seems to have positive effects that transcend those researched on dystonia itself.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Diffusion Of Responsibility Is A Phenomenon English Language Essay

Diffusion Of Responsibility Is A Phenomenon English Language Essay Do the following: Do emotion and our instinct to conform to society and authority affect our ability to think critically? View the following video on the Milgram Experiment: Why did about 50% of the subjects, normal everyday Americans, deliver lethal doses of electrical shocks (it was really only an actor pretending to be electrocuted)? To be successful in this assignment, evaluate the following social biases (write one (1) page in Microsoft Word or WordPad): Evaluate the Milgram experiment from the perspective of group pressure and conformity. 1. Using Chapter 4 of the textbook, describe of how group pressure and conformity affected the outcome of the experiment. Your answer should be about two paragraphs (4-5 sentences each) in length. 2. For each example, include at least one quote (citation) from the book that supports your evaluation. Evaluate the Milgram experiment from the perspective of diffusion of responsibility. 3. Using Chapter 4 of the textbook, describe how diffusion of responsibility affected the outcome of the experiment. Your answer should be about two paragraphs (4-5 sentences each) in length. 4. For each example, include at least one quote (citation) from the book that supports your evaluation. *Be sure to include citations from the textbook using the following format- Quote from the book (Boss, 2010. Pg #) Use MS Word or WordPad to complete your assignment. Your teacher wants to know: how conformity affected the outcome of the experiment, with quotations from your text to back it up. Then they want you to explain how diffusion of responsibility affected the outcome, with more quotes from the text to back it up. Diffusion of responsibility is a phenomenon that occurs when we take credit for our successes but blame others for our failures. Taking credit for our successes and blaming others for our failures is a type of self-serving bias. Diffusion of responsibility occurs in groups of people above a certain threshold, where responsibility is not explicitly assigned to particular individuals, and where people subsequently tend not to regard those responsibilities as their concerns, or conceive of those responsibilities as belonging to others. While the specifics of whom we assign to the out group is learned, our brain seems to be wired to see the world in terms of one of us/one of them. Group pressure and the urge to conform are so strong in humans that it can cause us to deny evidence that is right before our eyes. (Boss, 2010. Pg #120) This the e-book In Chapter 4 we will: Learn about the nature and limitations of human knowledge Distinguish between rationalism and empiricism Learn about different types of evidence Set guidelines for evaluating evidence Look at sources for researching claims and evidence Study different types of cognitive/perceptual errors, including self-serving biases Learn how social expectations and group pressure can lead to erroneous thinking Finally, we will examine the evidence and arguments regarding unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and what type of proof would be necessary to establish their existence. Group Pressure and Conformity Group pressure can influence individual members to take positions that they would never support by themselves, as happened in the Stanford Prison experiment described in Chapter 1. Some religious cults exploit this tendency by separating their members from the dissenting views of family and friends. In many cults, people live together, eat together, and may even be assigned a buddy. Group pressure is so powerful in shaping how we see the world that it can lead people to deny contrary evidence that is right before their eyes. In the 1950s, social psychologist Solomon Asch carried out a series of experiments in which he showed study subjects a screen containing a standard line on the left and three comparison lines on the right. One of the comparison lines was the same length as the standard line and the other two were of significantly different lengths.40 In each case, an unsuspecting study subject was introduced into a group with six confederates, who had been told by the experimenter to give the wrong answer. The group was then shown the lines. The experimenter asked one of the confederates which of the three lines on the right they thought was the same length as the standard line. The confederate, without hesitation, gave a wrong answer. The next few confederates gave the same answer. By now, the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve subject was showing puzzlement and even dismay. How can six people be wrong? Page 121 After hearing six wrong answers, 75 percent of the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve study subjects, rather than trust the evidence of their senses, succumbed to group pressure and gave the same wrong answer. Even more surprising is the fact that when questioned afterward, some of these study subjects had actually come to believe the wrong answer was correct. The desire for agreement is normal. However, this desire, when combined with our innate tendency to divide the world into one of us and one of them, can lead to the exclusion of those who disagree with the majority, since people tend to prefer being around people who agree with them. In the corporate world, disagreement is often tacitly discouraged. Outliers or nonconformists who do not agree with group members may be excluded by committee chairs from further discussions or even fired.41 Because of our inborn tendency to conform to what others think, we cannot assume that agreement leads to truth without knowledge about the manner and conditions under which the agreement was arrived. Indeed, the current emphasis on seeking group consensus in decision making may be unreliable. In consensus seeking, the majority in a group is often able to sway the whole group to its view. ASCH EXPERIMENT In Aschs experiment, the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve subject (left) shows puzzlement when the other subjects give what is obviously a wrong answer. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What do you think the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve subject in the picture above is thinking? Think back to a time when you were in a similar situation where you thought you were correct, but everyone else with you thought something else. How did you respond to the discrepancy between your belief and theirs? As with other errors in our thinking, we need to develop strategies to recognize and compensate for our human inclination to conform to groupthink. When a group comes to a decision, we need to mentally step back from the group and carefully evaluate the evidence for a particular position rather than assume that the majority must be correct. In competitive ice skating and diving, because of the danger of a judges scoring being contaminated by what other judges say, scoring is done individually, rather than as a group decision. Page 122 Diffusion of Responsibility Diffusion of responsibility is a social phenomenon that occurs in groups of people above a critical size. If responsibility is not explicitly assigned to us, we tend to regard it as not our problem but as belonging to someone else. We are much more likely to come to someones aid if we are alone than if we are in a crowd. We are much more likely to come to someones aid if we are alone than if we are in a crowd. This phenomenon is also known as bystander apathy or the Kitty Genovese syndrome. In 1964, twenty-eight-year-old Kitty Genovese was murdered outside her New York City apartment building. Her killer left twice, when people in the building turned on their lights, before he came back a third time and killed her. In the half hour that lapsed during the attack, none of Genoveses thirty-eight neighbors, who had heard her repeated cries for help, called the police. More recently, in June 2008, an elderly man was struck by a hit-and-run driver on a busy street in Hartford, Connecticut. The man lay in the street paralyzed and bleeding from his head while bystanders gawked at or ignored him. Motorists drove around his body without stopping. No one offered any assistance until an ambulance finally turned up. Diffusion of responsibility can also occur in group hazing at fraternities where no one comes to the rescue of a pledge who is clearly in distress. As social beings, we are vulnerable to the one of us/one of them error, social expectations, and group conformity. When in groups, we also tend to regard something as not our problem unless responsibility is assigned to us. Although these traits may promote group cohesiveness, they can interfere with effective critical thinking. As good critical thinkers we need to be aware of these tendencies, and to cultivate the ability to think independently while still taking into consideration others perspectives. Errors in our thinking also make us more vulnerable to falling for or using fallacies in arguments. Well be studying some of these fallacies in the following chapter. The phenomenon of diffusion of responsibility was regrettably illustrated when no one came to the aid of a seriously injured man lying in a busy street in Hartford, Connecticut after being struck by a hit-and-run driver in May 2008. The victim, Angel Torres, later died from the injuries he sustained. Page 123 EXERCISE 4-4 1. Whom do you define as us and whom do you put in the category of them? Discuss how you might go about widening the us category to include more people who are now in your them category. 2. Humans seem to have inborn biases toward particular types of people. According to a University of Florida study, when it comes to hiring, employers have a more favorable view of tall people. When it comes to earnings, every extra inch of height above the norm is worth $789 a year. In fact, nine of ten top executives are taller than the typical employee.42 Given this cognitive error and its impact on hiring practices, discuss whether or not affirmative action policies should apply to very short people. Relate your answer to the discussion in the text of the effect of this cognitive error on our thinking. 3. Think of a time when your social expectations led you to misjudge a person or a situation. Discuss strategies for improving your critical-thinking skills so that this is less likely to happen. 4. Think of a time when the public got caught up in a witch hunt. Identify the worldviews and social expectations that supported this witch hunt. Which critical-thinking skills would make you less likely to go along with a witch hunt? Discuss what actions you could take to develop or strengthen these skills. 5. Polls before elections can influence how people vote by swaying undecided voters to vote for the candidate who is in the lead. Analyze whether election polls should be forbidden prior to the election itself. 6. The democratic process depends on social consensus. Given peoples tendency to conform to social expectations and what others think, is democracy the best form of government? If so, what policies might be put in place to lessen the effect of social biases? Be specific. 7. Think of a time when you failed to speak out against an injustice or failed to come to someones aid simply because you were in a large group and felt it wasnt your responsibility. Discuss ways in which improving your critical-thinking skills may make you less susceptible to the diffusion of social responsibility error. 8. Computers (AI) programmed with an inductive logic program can, after sufficient experience working with the ups and downs of the financial market, predict the market with greater accuracy than most experienced financial planners. Given that these computers are not as prone to cognitive errors as are humans, critically evaluate whether we should rely more on AI to make decisions about such issues as college admissions, medical diagnoses, matchmaking, and piloting an airplane. 1. What are some of the sources of knowledge? Ã ¢-Â   Sources of knowledge include both reason and experience. Experience encompasses direct and indirect experience, expert testimony, and research resources such as printed material and the Internet. 2. In what ways might experience be misleading? Ã ¢-Â   Experience can be distorted through false memories, confirmation bias, and reliance on hearsay and anecdotal evidence, as well as perceptual, cognitive, and social errors in our thinking. 3. What are some of the types of cognitive and social errors in our thinking? Ã ¢-Â   Cognitive and social errors are in part the way our brain interprets the world. They include misperception of random data, memorable-events errors, probability errors, self-serving biases, self-fulfilling prophecies, one of us/one of them error, social expectations, group pressure and conformity, and diffusion of responsibility. Why is it so many people obey when they feel coerced? Social psychologist Stanley Milgram researched the effect of authority on obedience. He concluded people obey either out of fear or out of a desire to appear cooperativeeven when acting against their own better judgment and desires. Milgrams classic yet controversial experiment illustrates peoples reluctance to confront those who abuse power. It is my opinion that Milgrams book should be required reading (see References below) for anyone in supervisory or management positions. Milgram recruited subjects for his experiments from various walks in life. Respondents were told the experiment would study the effects of punishment on learning ability. They were offered a token cash award for participating. Although respondents thought they had an equal chance of playing the role of a student or of a teacher, the process was rigged so all respondents ended up playing the teacher. The learner was an actor working as a cohort of the experimenter. Teachers were asked to administer increasingly severe electric shocks to the learner when questions were answered incorrectly. In reality, the only electric shocks delivered in the experiment were single 45-volt shock samples given to each teacher. This was done to give teachers a feeling for the jolts they thought they would be discharging. Shock levels were labeled from 15 to 450 volts. Besides the numerical scale, verbal anchors added to the frightful appearance of the instrument. Beginning from the lower end, jolt levels were labeled: slight shock, moderate shock, strong shock, very strong shock, intense shock, and extreme intensity shock. The next two anchors were Danger: Severe Shock, and, past that, a simple but ghastly XXX. In response to the supposed jolts, the learner (actor) would begin to grunt at 75 volts; complain at 120 volts; ask to be released at 150 volts; plead with increasing vigor, next; and let out agonized screams at 285 volts. Eventually, in desperation, the learner was to yell loudly and complain of heart pain. At some point the actor would refuse to answer any more questions. Finally, at 330 volts the actor would be totally silent-that is, if any of the teacher participants got so far without rebelling first. Teachers were instructed to treat silence as an incorrect answer and apply the next shock level to the student. If at any point the innocent teacher hesitated to inflict the shocks, the experimenter would pressure him to proceed. Such demands would take the form of increasingly severe statements, such as The experiment requires that you continue. What do you think was the average voltage given by teachers before they refused to administer further shocks? What percentage of teachers, if any, do you think went up to the maximum voltage of 450? Results from the experiment. Some teachers refused to continue with the shocks early on, despite urging from the experimenter. This is the type of response Milgram expected as the norm. But Milgram was shocked to find those who questioned authority were in the minority. Sixty-five percent (65%) of the teachers were willing to progress to the maximum voltage level. Participants demonstrated a range of negative emotions about continuing. Some pleaded with the learner, asking the actor to answer questions carefully. Others started to laugh nervously and act strangely in diverse ways. Some subjects appeared cold, hopeless, somber, or arrogant. Some thought they had killed the learner. Nevertheless, participants continued to obey, discharging the full shock to learners. One man who wanted to abandon the experiment was told the experiment must continue. Instead of challenging the decision of the experimenter, he proceeded, repeating to himself, Its got to go on, its got to go on. Milgrams experiment included a number of variations. In one, the learner was not only visible but teachers were asked to force the learners hand to the shock plate so they could deliver the punishment. Less obedience was extracted from subjects in this case. In another variation, teachers were instructed to apply whatever voltage they desired to incorrect answers. Teachers averaged 83 volts, and only 2.5 percent of participants used the full 450 volts available. This shows most participants were good, average people, not evil individuals. They obeyed only under coercion. In general, more submission was elicited from teachers when (1) the authority figure was in close proximity; (2) teachers felt they could pass on responsibility to others; and (3) experiments took place under the auspices of a respected organization. Participants were debriefed after the experiment and showed much relief at finding they had not harmed the student. One cried from emotion when he saw the student alive, and explained that he thought he had killed him. But what was different about those who obeyed and those who rebelled? Milgram divided participants into three categories: Obeyed but justified themselves. Some obedient participants gave up responsibility for their actions, blaming the experimenter. If anything had happened to the learner, they reasoned, it would have been the experimenters fault. Others had transferred the blame to the learner: He was so stupid and stubborn he deserved to be shocked. Obeyed but blamed themselves. Others felt badly about what they had done and were quite harsh on themselves. Members of this group would, perhaps, be more likely to challenge authority if confronted with a similar situation in the future. Rebelled. Finally, rebellious subjects questioned the authority of the experimenter and argued there was a greater ethical imperative calling for the protection of the learner over the needs of the experimenter. Some of these individuals felt they were accountable to a higher authority. Why were those who challenged authority in the minority? So entrenched is obedience it may void personal codes of conduct.

The Logical Fallacies of Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy Es

The Logical Fallacies of Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy includes a proof for the existence of material objects, such as trees. Descartes accomplishes this by first doubting all things, from which he learns that he can be certain of nothing but his own existence as a thinking thing. From this established certainty, Descartes is able to provide proof for the existence of God, and, finally proof of the existence of material objects. Descartes’ proof of God, however, from which the proof of material things is made possible, is suspect: the proof relies on knowledge of clear and distinct ideas but knowledge of clear and distinct ideas relies on the existence of God. Furthermore, even if Descartes could manage to escape this circular method of proof, Descartes’ proof of his own existence is problematic. Descartes begins his series of proofs by assailing the foundations of everything he once believed to be true. He reasons that all false principles will come crashing down as the foundations upon which they stand are brought to nothing. But, that he can at least be certain of those principles that remain. And if nothing remains, he can at least be certain that there is nothing of which he can be certain. Descartes tells us that everything that he has "so far accepted as true [he] learned either from the senses or through the senses" (Biffle, 22). In light of this, Descartes proceeds to inquire into the reliability of the senses, the foundations upon which all his beliefs have so far rested. Descartes recalls the fact that the senses deceive him every night in his dreams. Specifically, he recalls the many times that he has believed himself to be awake, when he w... ...mselves. It is this lack of an external check that makes it very difficult to construct a proof wrought from pure reason that is neither circular nor falsely assuming. In science, checks our found in phenomenon. If a theory is logically sound but does not work in the physical world, it is ruled out. Maybe we will find a similar check for ideas, or maybe we will devise a way around this problem of checking ideas. Either way, the problem is present, and it seems that ideas are not a likely place to find truth. Works Cited Biffle, Christopher, et al A Guided Tour of Rene Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy Mayfield Publishing Company 2000 Cahn, Steven, ed., Classics of Western Philosophy, 5th. edition, Cambridge, Hackett Publishing Company, 1999. Descartes, Renà ©. Meditations on First Philosophy. Trans. Cress. Indianapolis, U.S.A: Hackett, 1993.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Grapes of Wrath Essay: Moving From Me to We -- Grapes Wrath essays

Moving From Me to We in The Grapes of Wrath      The play, The Grapes of Wrath, explores how the Joad family adapts to a new reality, how their concern changes from their own family and problems, to other families and their difficulties, until their concern includes all of the migrants and the larger problems of unemployment and prejudice. The Joad family’s journey to California results in the breakup of their family. The very first cause of the breakup of the individual family was with the loss of their land. The Joad family had lived there for many generations and had very strong ties to the land. Losing their land was equivalent to losing their family history. This is expressed by â€Å"She puts them in her pocket, closes the box, stands and with resignation tosses the box on the fire†(Galati 21). It is very evident that ma is reluctant to let her past go. On their journey they lose their first family member, Grampa Joad. This shows that there is a strong connection between a man and his home. Grampa’s great longing for his homeland ultimately resulted in his death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The shift from individual thinking to wide spread thinking is most directly seen in the actions of Tom Joad. In the beginning of the play Tom is mainly concerned for his own welfare. He wants to make up for all the things that he missed while in prison. Later on in the play he is more concerned with the welfare of the people. Then finally his thinking had shifted to trying to do what is best for all the migrant people by helping them organize into striking. Casy also had foreseen trouble along the way, but the family still pursued west. When Casy states â€Å"I’m all worried up. I been watc... ...any other people in their situation. In the end, Ma realizes that the family doesn’t come first anymore but anybody who just needs help should come first. Everyone had a shift in thinking - sometimes it takes a tragedy to make you see things in a new and different way.      1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   You should include a conclusion paragraph in your paper.   A conclusion re-caps on what you have discussed in your paper.   In one sentence each describe what you wrote in each paragraph.   Then combine all of those thoughts into one sentence to end your paper.   The conclusion paragraph begins specifically with each theme but broadens, by the end, to include every theme. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also always be sure to cite each quote.   Make sure that you have the author and the page number every time.    Grapes of Wrath Essay: Moving From Me to We -- Grapes Wrath essays Moving From Me to We in The Grapes of Wrath      The play, The Grapes of Wrath, explores how the Joad family adapts to a new reality, how their concern changes from their own family and problems, to other families and their difficulties, until their concern includes all of the migrants and the larger problems of unemployment and prejudice. The Joad family’s journey to California results in the breakup of their family. The very first cause of the breakup of the individual family was with the loss of their land. The Joad family had lived there for many generations and had very strong ties to the land. Losing their land was equivalent to losing their family history. This is expressed by â€Å"She puts them in her pocket, closes the box, stands and with resignation tosses the box on the fire†(Galati 21). It is very evident that ma is reluctant to let her past go. On their journey they lose their first family member, Grampa Joad. This shows that there is a strong connection between a man and his home. Grampa’s great longing for his homeland ultimately resulted in his death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The shift from individual thinking to wide spread thinking is most directly seen in the actions of Tom Joad. In the beginning of the play Tom is mainly concerned for his own welfare. He wants to make up for all the things that he missed while in prison. Later on in the play he is more concerned with the welfare of the people. Then finally his thinking had shifted to trying to do what is best for all the migrant people by helping them organize into striking. Casy also had foreseen trouble along the way, but the family still pursued west. When Casy states â€Å"I’m all worried up. I been watc... ...any other people in their situation. In the end, Ma realizes that the family doesn’t come first anymore but anybody who just needs help should come first. Everyone had a shift in thinking - sometimes it takes a tragedy to make you see things in a new and different way.      1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   You should include a conclusion paragraph in your paper.   A conclusion re-caps on what you have discussed in your paper.   In one sentence each describe what you wrote in each paragraph.   Then combine all of those thoughts into one sentence to end your paper.   The conclusion paragraph begins specifically with each theme but broadens, by the end, to include every theme. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Also always be sure to cite each quote.   Make sure that you have the author and the page number every time.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Explain Biblical Ideas About the Goodness of God Essay

Throughout the bible the goodness of God is shown in many ways, the bible presents God as being morally perfect, and everything that he is or will ever be is also presented as morally perfect; The Bible presents God as benevolent, an all loving figure. It displays this in a number of ways throughout the Bible, the first and possible the most important way is in the first book of the Bible, Genesis. Genesis states that everything that God creates is â€Å"Very good†; When God created the world in the Genesis creation story he commanded various things. â€Å"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light, and God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness â€Å". (Genesis 1:3-4). The authors of the bible when praising God do so because he provides reason for it. The creation of animals, plants and waters are all necessary for the sustainment of life, and religion, â€Å"Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth and God said, â€Å"See, I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food. (Genesis 1:28-29). Some Christians believe that there is still goodness like God’s around us today in the form of stewardship. We look after our world to improve it so we can pass it on to the next generation. Another way in which the bible shows Gods goodness is; Christians believe that God’s goodness is shown in his son Jesus, and his sacrifice in the name of God. Jesus came to earth as God in human form, he done this to experience the lives of his people. God thought it was all well and good requesting people to follow rules but because he cares he wanted to experience the lives of his believers and the difficulties they incur so he sent Jesus. Jesus was the ideal of moral goodness for humanity; he displayed the right way in which people should treat each other and how to worship God, and this was recorded and passed onto future generations by it being retold in the bible, even today people can still read it and gain knowledge of Gods sacrifice. The form of good described in the bible is very different from Platos form of good; Platos form of good was perfect and it didn’t exist on Earth it existed in the realm, making it a concept and not personal to anyone, Platos form of good doesn’t take an interest in situations or in life, it just simply exists, where as the idea of ‘Gods good’ in the bible focuses almost entirely on moral behaviour. It is concerned that humanity should be making the right choices to life by and always aims to be good. Plato’s form of the good is perfect, but because it doesn’t physically exist what ever goodness is on earth is only of copy of the ideal thus making it imperfect when it is practiced. So whatever you think you are doing is good, it is not. However God believes that everyone can be morally good thus living their lives accordingly. As soon as God creates humans he gives them rules of follow, they are to take responsibility for the earth he has created and not take from the tree of knowledge. This shows that he cares not for worship being their main duty, but he takes an interest in their lives. Gods goodness is also shown through his love in the bible, God gives humans free will, to make their own moral decisions but he clearly sets out what is right and what is wrong. However he doesn’t force them into obeying those rules, he is loving and lets them choose for themselves, this is an act of love. He knows that because he has made man in his image (Genesis 1:27) they are like God and they know what is expected of them. Even thought they haven’t been socialised they still know what is morally right. Plato would agree with this statement because he believes we all have knowledge of ideal forms from birth. God commands things to be good because he is omniscient and knows all. So everything that he commands will be perfect, good and loving.

Organisational Behaviour Assignment

Per formance round move discover depict - Cho Cho Phyu confederation modified collection 2 We asshole turn that t here(predicate) nominate be a falsify website, when the stack atomic offspring 18 dissatisfied with the original positioning or actual bil permit. Kurt. W. Le pull out along deepen screw be happened when the throng in the placement atomic bang-up turn 18 open-minded and spontaneous to multifariousness. U Aye Kyaw(MHR) Ac enjoyledgements We would similar to stock our true ac subsistledgements to enti blaspheme those who extradite abeted us in expression for this project.Initi only(a)y, we would especi only in whollyy wish to express my gratitude to our t apieceers- TakeruOhe, PhosyChanhming, and Yasushi Ishida who wee the reproduction of COBLAS Myanmar (Consulting base On erudition Asean Sm each and Medium Enterprises). We be greatly in debt of gratitude to any of our Myanmar teachers for their encouragement, tireless pu nt and invalu able-bodied guidance passim our project. We argon precise much agreeable to jackdaw Phyu Phyu Seinn, Managing beamor of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd ( mandril mortalal manner Collection) who entirelyows us to do the query in her ph hotshotr and entertains us in rich entropys, information and att closedown toer which is genuinely burning(prenominal) for our project.Furtherto a greater extent, our special give thanks be due to the employees in Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, for their office and inspection and repair in our motley work out. Last, we would same(p) to offer my thanks to the authors and publishers mentioned in the references for victimization their materials in preparing this project. umteen thanks to eitherbody who gave us help and control by core of prohibited our project. executive compendious pack argon talking active the a sort out word called depart, which is real popular in the world conjunction started from the non to a grea ter extent than the by iii decades.And yes, this go out be happened perpetually at all term and in all pip. This is besides happened in our none environment. to a greater extent literatures say that the environment that the transmission linees ensnarl is promptly and massively ever-changing. So, here ar to a greater extent thanover two questions for all the demarcationes. Those questions atomic number 18 kill? or be killed? . For the rail line to be productive in the foreseeable eon to come, it has to be killed the turn forward it is in addition late. So, the transmission linees essential boast align its internecine arrangement with the demand of orthogonal transposes.In this project, we counsel on the aspect of breed-go up the assistantmans imaginativeness di fancy and introducing al to the highest degree node-led gloss at the guild called auricle direction Collection, which is a lucky fashion ass in Myanmar. presidency PROFILE Ch o Cho Phyu companionship is started with a subaltern sole contendr argument twist in 1992, in the triplet with child(p) City of Myanmar, Mandalay. And accordingly, the clientele moves to Yangon in 2006 and crap as a tete-a-tete throttle play along. in like manner in 2006, Cho Cho Phyu company launched a fashion disgrace called build up, which offers char clo matter to two subscriber line and consumer securities industrys.Now, lace is actually popular brand for its local anesthetic tar go far markets of some(prenominal) upper debase and fit off pith classes who cognise in suburb argonas. Now Cho Cho Phyu hasTwoShow Rooms, in legion(predicate) d witnesstown expanses and TwoGarment Factories, which ar operational genuinely good. Business Canvas node SEGMENTS 1 Upper Lower Classes Lower Middle Classes VALUE PROPOSITION 2 lace is a fashion brand which is hearty established and has a darling fictitious character and reasonable price to its targe t market. the flesh is the primary(prenominal) proposition for it, which is broadly stress on the comfort and government agency for its targets. client RELATIONSHIP 4 soulfulnessal Assistant, Email, Phone, earns statistical distri notwithstandingion transmit 3 Indirect enchant Direct Channel Consignment key fruit RESOURCES 6 Reasonable Market bear tell ACTIVITIES 7 Cutting, making , Packaging, ex diversify and Distri just at one timeion PARTNERS 8 COST bodily bodily structure 9 Social / Environmental be fiscal Risk Capital investing revenue enhancement STREAMS 5 Business friendship well up established Brand cardinal rubric Textile Co. ,Ltd Long Foung Laung Yee spellbind aims to gene rank small revenues from a boastful number of guest designed items. This represents a valuable addition to Spike Fashion Collection. pulverisation outline Strengths Customer verity / births outturn calibre High production talent practised employees S W O T Weaknesses piti able adult male imagery heightensing wish of Plan Lack of raftdid mission, vision & purposes Opportunities changing clients gather ups Technological dismiss descend offer from ASEAN free trade Fashion trend transplants of different ages Threats ever-changing the stress and preferences of the customers. the direct investment of the opposed companies. main Is marchs As Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd is just transforming from admitet of sole dealer business structure to Limited financial obligation association (LLC), in that respect argon roughly problems associated with conventional or handed- mint get alongment style.Many theorists say that most of the business owners atomic number 18 still get unconnected in this transform period, as they do ruminate and remember their past sorts, which argon very well relevant for them in the past. In this firm, employee be dissatisfied with their note as they do not get the bene pits and privileges that buns get easily in the immaterial market or in more or less unfermented(prenominal) companies. The Bureaucratic decision-making and less deputation in any case lead the social unit presidency to finger stifle and less important. Moreover, no homosexual Resource Department leads to rear out un unified and un organisationatic procedure in transactions with employee aspects.As a consequence, in that respect argon more unmatched line of business responsibilities and position. Employees do not lie with what argon their the correct trends? and what argon stringently forbidden/. Initial interpret (prelude) We met with the Managing manager of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and discussed active the matters that atomic number 18 soon arising at bottom the Company. subsequently discussing astir(predicate) the matters, we pretend an arranging with MD of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and we sent TOR (Term of Reference) Letter to decl be the agreement. After due precondition of all aspects, our group started to work the adjacent activities. investigation methods investigate Design Exploratory After getting the permission from companys bill of director, we started to discuss what factors of Cho Cho Phyu Co. ,Ltd contribute to employee satisf fill. Because of time and cypher constraints, we were unable to conduct focus groups or in depth interviews. By doing interview, we essential the tactile sensation into design. Descriptive To come along a better un derstanding of the problem, and to clarify the inquiry questions, we conducted secondary winding research to dis offer what experts say more or lessemployee payment scales. This research allowed us to turn a pro fit(p) a solid find outing of the business.We intelligibly absorb more or less the attend to of our research and information process through top off illumination in our Employee prank happiness reveal. Force work abridgment For either(prenominal) convince steering, the most zippy thing to consider is that whether this smorgasbord is undeniable or not. To k without delay the solution, we do investigations by victimisation interviewing, questionnaire and s push asidening the environment. After creation investigated the only environment, we goat suggest that the Cho Cho Phyu is unavoidable to mass the Human Resource Department. As the individualisticizedity of arranging of rules comprises with mankind worlds, thither seat be complexity of kind-hearted emotions and mental implications. passel always choose exist because of diversify. So in this situation, on that point is no interrogative that this go out be happened too. consequently when we look at Lewis Force Field, in that respect be two strong points the tyrannical forces for diverseness and obstacles of transmute. thither ordain be reassign of the positive forces be greater than obstacles. ride Forces * demographic tacks In previous days, thither ar few places for all customers to demoralize products or whatever they demand. After 1998, the demographic channelizes father and customers now generate habits to demoralize things at retail stores. Now, customers ar very choosy, know they select a compensate to sue and cozy.Moreover, both customer thinks they atomic number 18 preponderant for any businesses. * Various S wipe outholders Interests Stakeholders ar those who are interested in the business activities and brush off be affected by the business operations. There is declined in transcriptions profit aim at those days. Poor customer focus skills and bossy the customers necessitate and expectations do the Cho Cho Phyu negative image. For Cho Cho Phyu, employees are the stovepipe valuable as punctuates which outhousenot be copied or imitate. Also, thither is a strong relationship surrounded by the Employee Job Satisfaction and Customer joy. * political transmitsAfter changing government and political policies in 1989, t he economic condition of Myanmar is bit by bit increasing. Changing from socialist parsimoniousness to market economy gave the Myanmar economy to require more festerings and proficient returns. In 2015, on that point provide be an AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Agreement) recognizes. So, legion(predicate) SMEs and gargantuan scale businesses are startle to lift for the unseen able future removes. * Competitors Reactions In Myanmar, on that point are same(p) businesses the kindreds of SPIKE Fashion Collection. The main rivalries for the SPIKE are D2, ,who are precipitously aiming to carry out the customer have a bun in the ovenments. * Economic IssuesIn Myanmar economy, in that respect are too legion(predicate) uncertainties for all businesses. Also the implication of globalization of markets, system of rules must learn to break the restrict mind traffic circle of national markets to compete on a worldwide basis (Ghoshal and Butler, 1992). Res study Forces * Habits Fo r all(prenominal) complexities, all(prenominal)body rely on habits or chopinemed responses. People are difficult to win over if they are course habited. * Security Even good deal at the high level tush remain firm if the diverseness is threatening to their ruling of safety. For staffs, in that location can be a spirit of insecurity of being the temper of last assortment due to the caution of unknown. group Inertia Even if mortal want to vary, thither can be impelances, which are constraint to the group norms. In Cho Cho Phyu Company Limited, in that location are many resistances perceive habits of the shop floor workers, the afoot(predicate) sensed destination of the worker, the status quo of the workers, and dubiety of the liking situation. So, we do some assumptions that as this is a culturaland incision mixture, the incremental pitch could be more appropriate forCho Cho Phyu Company in this development process. RESTRAINING FORCES (Obstacles for win over) Present earth or Desired State operate FORCES commanding Forces for wobble) Lewins Force Field abstract Excerpt from www. stir heed-coach. com Impact surface area Analysis Impact area abridgment message analyzing the area which will have adjoins because of the spirit of effect of permute. So, weanalyzed the only administration and afterward the investigation, this swap is mainly depended on the total brass section but the glide by instruction has already been institutionalizeted to redact up the HR department. Then, the electric shock area was now clarified, our main aim is to motley the comprehend gardening of the Middle and early grade level of the composition. The Required doingssThe requisite behavior for this change are as followed The customers in Myanmar are now very educated, knowledgeable and very complaining. Not tho active customer, likewise the emulous reactions are so intense. So, for retail chain like SHMT business firm marke t place, the acquired behavior will be as followed * Lean and structured brass * Well and systematic HR Department, HR Policies, Practices and Procedures * Rightful design of clientele * conk out place to work. Prudence that We wholly emergency to Aware * This process is a convince process. * Examine whether it inescapably to do or not. * We must have care it well, until it reaches the decent end. This is not an Event, this a jaunt. * Many plurality give Bloods and Lives during the exchange Process. * Resentments or conflicts can propound during the completely configuration. * We cannot do it lightly, and when we dealt with it there is no tour tooshie * There is a duration Constraint. division of convince browse or Leader In this change process, Ms. Phyu Phyu Seinn, MD, is the draw, an inspirational leader. Before she communicates intimately the unseasoned enculturation, send-offly, she must class the level of presumption, which Stephen. P. Robbins mea ns that there are dimensions of integrity, competence, consistence, trueness and nakedness.As she is a leader, she must do the to belittle the possible employees resistance. The main caper for the leader are as followed * endure his employees. * enjoy his customers * Think about the in demand(p) results * indue People * Create a pull throughWin situation In this situation, Phyu Phyu Seinn acted as a Transformational Leader, that is, leadership who pep up pursual to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the fundamental law by clarifying social occasion and task requirements. , Leaders who are as well capable of having a pro shew and laughable effect on their follower. Stephen P. Robbins.For Mr. Chan, changing the reputation of Customer unimportant agri kitchen-gardening to Customer-centric Culture. Transforming the old believes to overbold verso one. On the other hand, Phyu Phyu Seinn likewise acted as a Sponsor who provides options, authority, o r reinforcer neededto accomplish change and has the authority to interpolate pay off systems or otheraspects of organisational refinement. Role of Change broker Change performer means that Persons who act as catalysts & comport the obligation for managing changeRobbins et al 1994 Qualities of the Change Agent * Flexibility * Objectivity * allegiance leaders and inspiration of others * Ability to sell hesitancy * disposalal Awareness * comprehend of liking Here are tasks for the Change Agent, which was set by for SHMT scale Mart gloss change process. The tasks of the change divisor are to get the perpetration to the change from the stir groups, to set up and spike the change network, to disseminate the information about change, to help and buy at the groups in applying change processes, to make involvement and educate others to introduce in the change, to monitor the only change process. The initial stratum . We prepared an Employee pen version to know the length of services, knowledge, qualifications, and succinct of the up-to-the-minute position. The total workforce number is 46 in Head Quarter. We do the built-in total workforce to fill up the employee profile to know the immortalize of the employees. 2. canvass the detail aspects of the phone line by using interviewing methods. 3. Sent out the job satisfaction questionnaires to know the satisfaction rate of employee. 4. Redraft and think the old bloated and ineffective organizational chart to understand that human mental imagerys are fit with the compensate job. . Sent out the impertinently job description HR motorbus post to set up the meet HR Department. * stick on in Institutes and in some Universities. * Advertised through internet * Linked with Employment office * Posted in internal billhook wag 6. Started to with Billion Forces Co. , Ltd to introduce the HRIS software. The back exemplify 1. Draft and prepared Job Descriptions and Person Specificat ions to know the detail of their tasks, duties and responsibilities. 2. execute HR Policies in line with brass section scheme and Philosophy 3.Prepared HR Forms in accord with HR policy and procedures to have a straightlaced and systematic HR system. 4. sinless an Employee Handbook, both in English and Myanmar, which constitutes all the aspects of HR policies, Attendance and leaves, and some procedures. 5. Interviewed to all the applicants, to get the beneficial person at the right job in the right place. 6. Redrew a New Organization Chart, which is more effective, and lean structure than ever. the ternion Stage 1. Implement the sassy organizational structure andHR procedures and rules, and transferred all the necessary HR forms. 2.Set novel salary scale level in accordance with secondary research data published by MRS (Myanmar Research Survey), 2011. 3. Held Human Resource care prep to all the managerial and supervisor level, to know the brilliance of the Human Resour ce charge in the business organization. 4. go into the rude(a) opine print system to know the accompanyance of each and every employee. 5. Introduce the Employee tease to record and improve the customer service and know the attention of each and every employee. MD HR private instructor elder Operation managing director pay passenger car change & Marketing Executiveadministrative conductor elder antecedent HR military officer As. take coach-and-four As. Logistic carriage As. procurance Manager Chief accountant Accountant-1 Accountant-2 job Controller vote counter (Shop 1) Cashier (Shop 2) SCM Administrative policeman Sale Manager prompt team Leader Sale provide (Shop-2) Sale Staff (Shop-1) quick Team member IMC Officer junior Designer Inbound L. Officer intersection Supervisors Production Leaders SCM Outbound L. Officer Managing the People issues Human Resource Management dodging As organizationis comprising with batch, there is more or less human resourc e factors for us to consider.Torrington and lobby (2008) defined Human Resource Strategy as a fundamental philosophy that mountain in the organization are managed and alteration of this into HR policies and practices, to become effective, policies and procedures need to be compound with business or organizational outline. In here, we are needed to be considered is that the HR strategy must assure with business strategy which means employees are seen as key in the mental process of the declared organizational strategy and human resource strategy is designed to fit with it. Torrington and Hall (2008)The main aims of aligning the HRM with organizational strategy are to ensure the outflank purpose of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd employees to let the organization performance and to write out the level of risk by arrangement and organizing the right race, in the right place, to the right job and in the right time. For human resource issues, we drew a plan, which is to cover m ost likely cases of Cho Cho Phyu Company batch issues. Topics covered for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd are as followed propel, pedagogy and development, Reward System, managing mental issues and estimation systems. Motivating or Committing others to Change For every triumphful change management process, the need of the followers is one of the factors to consider. For most changes, peoples past experience of change can affect the level of commitment and willness to clog further change tin convert (2002). So, as this is the kickoff time for Cho Cho Phyu, we have a tariff to win this change. To be active the workforce, we set, firstly, a proper terminus and associateed with the non- pecuniary recompense system of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.We in like manner set MD and Human Resource Manager as a billet make for for this change by visiting stores for every weeks, dealing with customers and giving speeches to employees about the grandness customers. * education Program Another i ssue during the department start-up time, we need to think about the educational activity program. This is a sensitive nicety, people will not be acquainted(predicate) with it. For the first clapperclaw, they have to understand what the in the raw civilisation means for them. As this is the newfound-sprung(prenominal) culture, most of the sale staffs and supervisors would require a certain specific training for their job purposes.Each and every individual employees will be tested to ensure that they do have qualifications, skills and experiences to work with the new culture. We sceptered change agents (managers) to persuade the workforce to attend and commit to the new culture. * Reward and assessment system Another aspect is the riposte and estimate system. Organizational avenges are powerful incentives for better employee and work group performance. Based on carrot and stick metaphor, we set both tangible and intangible rewards for workforce. We made human body of reward, which is tie in, with the culture of the organization.Reward such as recognition, contests, games, financial rewards, incentives, employee of the month or course of study awards which are mainly to show the clutch for employee effort. We overly made the reward systems link to the needs and wants of the individual employees. We use posts Path-goal theory to motivate the workforce. * Managing Psychological Issues As people are human beings, there was many resistances to the new culture. Many people flavor they were defeated, threatened, coercive by the new culture. Some people feel demoralized, trying and frustrated for the change.So, from human resource management view point, we have a responsibility to take care and manage the psychological issues of the affected employees. That is why, we have made an agreement with HR department to make employee economic aid program (EAP), stress management program and work-life-balance program. During the culture changing process, there can be some gradation of redundancy. So, for survivors from the cuts, there can be shock, bitterness, individual retirement account and withal peer and group pressures. Survivors need information about why action had to be taken and what the future holds for them personally. compensation and Ethical Considerations During the change process, there can many be issues like layoffs and compensations for those who resist change. So, we made some financial and non-financial variation arrangements. we arranged transition hitch indemnity and outplacement programs for all the layoffs employees. As most of employees at Cho Cho Phyu are between xx and twenty-eight, there are much authority for their undivided life long. So, Ms. Aung arranged personal travel counseling, resume preparation and write services, interviewing workshops and referral financial aid in the outplacement programs.Initiating and fulfilling the new Customer-centric Culture The change process goes throug h a serial of compass points that, in total, usually require a considerable length of time. Skipping defends creates only the prank of speed and never produces a substantive result. John Kotter, Leading Change To implement the new organizational culture, we were followed the beat exposit by Kurt Lewis (1951). This is one of the scoop up change nonplus that is combining the theories of sociology and psychology, genuine a three stage model for big system change. Unfreezing contour This is the establishing stage for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, which is oblige by the environment to implement the customer-centric culture as their competitors, or back off from this aggressive market. Unfreezing phase is first ill-use of the Lewins change transition stages, where people are taken from the situation of being unready to change to the first tread of being able and willing to change. Schein(1995) states that in order for change to occur, there must be a faction of both adding drivin g force and removing restraining forces.Creating a sense of crisis will bugger off the whole components in the company into one voice. As the main aim of this stage is to let go the old culture of the organization, we, firstly, searched the bad points of the current culture and conjugate it with the issues and problems soon faced by the SHMT Home Mart. This step is the most important heavy step for this whole change, we created a crisis impatient political program to reduce the level of trust on the currently using culture. check to many researchers, most of the change processes are failed because of the perfidious vision and strategy.So, for second, we created a telling vision what we want to be? , then communicate it to the whole organization, to overcome the current crisis situation of the Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd. By drawing a unclouded vision and strategy in how to accomplish that vision, the employees will understand how the new system will benefit them and they wi ll more and more change their effort to support the death penalty of the new culture. We made change agentsto set clear vision of customer-centricculture in executing process of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.According to Lewin, this is a phase, which fleet down the old beliefs, assumptions, and paradigm of organization. * transition strain this is a changing phase form the old unsought situation to the new desire situation. This is the hardest part for every individual to start. So, Ms. Aung, besides made a trailblazer team to facilitate the change situation. In this phase, the leader has to act like a king or role model. We made some form of coaching, counseling, reward, idea system, demand and other psychological support for this phase.This phase get rid of anything which whitethorn vulnerablethe carrying into action plan of change process, including any undesirable ideas, company structures, activities as well as existing beliefs which whitethorn potentially undermining or threatening the new culture implementation. Linking the reward and performance is very important for all change management process, and also with relatiative actions. A sense of demand is now needed for all employees to go to the goal of the organization. The project team also provided plenty of penalties of options for employee involvement in this change process.Giving opportunities to have delegation and empowerment can get the commitment of the employees. By announcing the short-run success also made the whole organization to generate motivation. * Refreezing phase At the end of our journey, the final goal is to refreeze the situation. Making short wins made the whole change process to run smoothly. As this new culture is very beneficial for both organization and staffs, each and every employees are very enthusiastic with the change. But in every change, there can be a Marathon Effect that is some people reached the aim while other people are still travel quick from the st art.Visionary and epitome leadership supports, proper reward systems, and secure feedback systems made the change process to get success. we also made the training and development sessions for all the impacted employees to get the sought after and required results from change management. For every change, there can be a evanesce back to the old undesired stage. That is why we made burning tie to ensure that there is no way to go back by establishing proper rules, regulations and policies and recognize the successful employees whose behavior are line up with the desired behavior. Communication StrategyCommunicating about the change throughout the whole organization is also the main point for all change champion, change leader and change agents to consider. Varey also said that culture and parley cannot be separated. People may feel shock, and deny in the first place, if the confabulation strategy is not well. So, we found out that we have to arrange it in the right timing du ring the transition process. We also used both semiformal and familiar chat structure. In this strategy, we made people more rely on the formal communion system (that is meetings, speeches, briefing, discussion, memo, notice etc. alternatively than informal (that is rumors, gossips, conjectures and opinions). We planned the communication more focus on what, when, who and how, but there is no formula about the communication that can apply in all situation. In some circumstances, change agents may advocate a everlasting(a) openness of about all the issues to the impact groups. decisiveness This change management is concerned not only for the employee job satisfactions and delights but also for the business organizations to get competitive advantage.In this changing environment, the environment that the businesses operate is rapidly and massively changing. Notable experience is that, in Myanmar, the demographic changes have hugely impact on the Myanmar Businesses. As it is a culture change for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, we faced with many problems and it may take more than 1 division for the whole organization to accept and exercise the new culture. Although it is a new culture for the whole organization, it is very beneficial for both employees and employer. Because of that point, we can implement the whole change management in successful behavior.Organisational Behaviour AssignmentPerformance Review Report - Cho Cho Phyu Company Limited Group 2 We can say that there can be a change situation, when the people are dissatisfied with the current status or current situation. Kurt. W. Lewin Change can be happened when the people in the organization are open-minded and willing to change. U Aye Kyaw(MHR) Acknowledgements We would like to express our sincere acknowledgements to all those who have helped us in preparation for this project.Initially, we would especially like to express my gratitude to our teachers- TakeruOhe, PhosyChanhming, and Yasushi Ishid a who give the training of COBLAS Myanmar (Consulting Based On Learning Asean Small and Medium Enterprises). We are greatly in debt of gratitude to all of our Myanmar teachers for their encouragement, unflagging support and invaluable guidance throughout our project. We are very much grateful to Daw Phyu Phyu Seinn, Managing Director of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd (SPIKE Fashion Collection) who allows us to do the research in her company and gives us invaluable datas, information and help which is very important for our project.Furthermore, our special thanks are due to the employees in Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, for their contribution and help in our change process. Last, we would like to offer my thanks to the authors and publishers mentioned in the references for using their materials in preparing this project. Many thanks to everybody who gave us help and support throughout our project. Executive Summary People are talking about the powerful word called Change, which is really popular i n the human society started from the not more than the past three decades.And yes, this will be happened continuously at every time and in every situation. This is also happened in our business environment. Many literatures say that the environment that the businesses operate is rapidly and massively changing. So, here are only two questions for all the businesses. Those questions are kill? or be killed? . For the business to be successful in the foreseeable future, it has to be killed the change before it is too late. So, the businesses must have aligned its internal arrangement with the demand of external changes.In this project, we focus on the aspect of Starting up the Human Resource Department and introducing about Customer-led Culture at the company called SPIKE Fashion Collection, which is a successful fashion brand in Myanmar. ORGANIZATION PROFILE Cho Cho Phyu Company is started with a humble sole trader business structure in 1992, in the Third Capital City of Myanmar, Mand alay. And then, the business moves to Yangon in 2006 and formed as a private limited company. Also in 2006, Cho Cho Phyu company launched a fashion brand called SPIKE, which offers woman clothing to both business and consumer markets.Now, SPIKE is very popular brand for its local target markets of both Upper Lower and Lower Middle classes who live in suburb areas. Now Cho Cho Phyu hasTwoShow Rooms, in some downtown areas and TwoGarment Factories, which are operating very well. Business Canvas CUSTOMER SEGMENTS 1 Upper Lower Classes Lower Middle Classes VALUE PROPOSITION 2 Spike is a fashion brand which is well established and has a good quality and reasonable price to its target market. the design is the main proposition for it, which is mostly emphasise on the comfort and confidence for its targets. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP 4Personal Assistant, Email, Phone, Letters DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS 3 Indirect Channel Direct Channel Consignment KEY RESOURCES 6 Reasonable Market Experience KEY ACT IVITIES 7 Cutting, Making , Packaging, Selling and dissemination PARTNERS 8 COST STRUCTURE 9 Social / Environmental Costs Financial Risk Capital Investment REVENUE STREAMS 5 Business community Well established Brand Seven Colour Textile Co. ,Ltd Long Foung Laung Yee Spike aims to generate small revenues from a large number of customer designed items. This represents a valuable addition to Spike Fashion Collection. SWOT Analysis Strengths Customer loyalty / relationshipsProduction quality High production efficiency Skillful employees S W O T Weaknesses Poor Human Resource Management Lack of Plan Lack of clear mission, vision & goals Opportunities Changing customers needs Technological advance Get offer from ASEAN free trade Fashion trend changes of different ages Threats Changing the taste and preferences of the customers. the direct investment of the foreign companies. Main Issues As Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd is just transforming from Sole Trader business structure to Limited Liabilit y Company (LLC), there are many problems associated with conventional or traditional management style.Many theorists say that most of the business owners are still getting lost in this change period, as they do reflect and remember their past behaviors, which are very well relevant for them in the past. In this firm, employee are dissatisfied with their job as they do not get the benefits and privileges that can get easily in the external market or in other companies. The Bureaucratic decision-making and less delegating also lead the whole organization to feel stifle and less important. Moreover, no Human Resource Department leads to become unstructured and unsystematic procedure in dealing with employee aspects.As a consequence, there are many unmatched job responsibilities and position. Employees do not know what are their rights? and what are strictly forbidden/. Initial Stage (prelude) We met with the Managing Director of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and discussed about the matters that are currently arising within the Company. After discussing about the matters, we made an agreement with MD of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd and we sent TOR (Term of Reference) Letter to make the agreement. After due consideration of all aspects, our group started to work the following activities. Investigation methodsResearch Design Exploratory After getting the permission from companys board of director, we started to discuss what factors of Cho Cho Phyu Co. ,Ltd contribute to employee satisfaction. Because of time and budget constraints, we were unable to conduct focus groups or in depth interviews. By doing interview, we developed the research design. Descriptive To gain a better un derstanding of the problem, and to clarify the research questions, we conducted secondary research to discover what experts say aboutemployee salary scales. This research allowed us to gain a solid understanding of the business.We clearly describe about the process of our research and data process throu gh clear clarification in our Employee Job Satisfaction Report. Force Field Analysis For every change management, the most vital thing to consider is that whether this change is needed or not. To know the solution, we made investigations by using interviewing, questionnaire and scanning the environment. After being investigated the whole environment, we can suggest that the Cho Cho Phyu is needed to set the Human Resource Department. As the nature of organization comprises with human beings, there can be complexity of human emotions and psychological implications.People always feel threaten because of change. So in this situation, there is no doubt that this will be happened too. Then when we look at Lewis Force Field, there are two forces the positive forces for change and obstacles of change. there will be change of the positive forces are greater than obstacles. Driving Forces * Demographic Changes In previous days, there are few places for all customers to buy products or whate ver they want. After 1998, the demographic changes incur and customers now have habits to buy things at retail stores. Now, customers are very choosy, know they have a right to sue and knowledgeable.Moreover, every customer thinks they are paramount for every businesses. * Various Stakeholders Interests Stakeholders are those who are interested in the business activities and can be affected by the business operations. There is declined in organizations profit level at those days. Poor customer management skills and overlooking the customers needs and expectations made the Cho Cho Phyu bad image. For Cho Cho Phyu, employees are the best valuable assets which cannot be copied or imitate. Also, there is a strong relationship between the Employee Job Satisfaction and Customer satisfaction. * Political ChangesAfter changing government and political policies in 1989, the economic condition of Myanmar is gradually increasing. Changing from socialist economy to market economy gave the Myanm ar economy to become more developments and beneficial returns. In 2015, there will be an AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Agreement) issues. So, many SMEs and large scale businesses are starting to prepare for the unseen able future changes. * Competitors Reactions In Myanmar, there are same businesses like SPIKE Fashion Collection. The main rivalries for the SPIKE are D2, ,who are aggressively aiming to satisfy the customer requirements. * Economic IssuesIn Myanmar economy, there are too many uncertainties for every businesses. Also the implication of globalization of markets, organization must learn to break the limited outlook of national markets to compete on a worldwide basis (Ghoshal and Butler, 1992). Restraining Forces * Habits For every complexities, everybody rely on habits or programmed responses. People are difficult to change if they are naturally habited. * Security Even people at the high level can resist if the change is threatening to their feeling of safety. For staffs, the re can be a sense of insecurity of being the nature of culture change due to the fear of unknown. Group Inertia Even if individual want to change, there can be resistances, which are constraint to the group norms. In Cho Cho Phyu Company Limited, there are many resistances perceived habits of the shop floor workers, the current perceived culture of the worker, the status quo of the workers, and uncertainty of the desire situation. So, we made some assumptions that as this is a culturaland department change, the incremental change could be more appropriate forCho Cho Phyu Company in this development process. RESTRAINING FORCES (Obstacles for Change) Present State or Desired State DRIVING FORCES Positive Forces for Change) Lewins Force Field Analysis Excerpt from www. changemanagement-coach. com Impact Area Analysis Impact area analysis means analyzing the area which will have impacts because of the nature of effect of change. So, weanalyzed the whole organization and after the inves tigation, this change is mainly depended on the whole organization but the Top management has already been committed to set up the HR department. Then, the impact area was now clarified, our main aim is to change the perceived culture of the Middle and First Floor level of the organization. The Required BehavioursThe required behavior for this change are as followed The customers in Myanmar are now very educated, knowledgeable and very complaining. Not only about customer, also the competitive reactions are so intense. So, for retail chain like SHMT Home Mart, the required behavior will be as followed * Lean and structured Organization * Well and systematic HR Department, HR Policies, Practices and Procedures * Rightful design of job * Better place to work. Prudence that We All need to Aware * This process is a Change process. * Examine whether it needs to do or not. * We must have Management it well, until it reaches the proper end. This is not an Event, this a Journey. * Many peop le give Bloods and Lives during the Change Process. * Resentments or conflicts can occur during the whole phase. * We cannot do it lightly, and when we dealt with it there is no turning back * There is a Time Constraint. Role of Change Sponsor or Leader In this change process, Ms. Phyu Phyu Seinn, MD, is the leader, an inspirational leader. Before she communicates about the new Culture, firstly, she must build the level of trust, which Stephen. P. Robbins means that there are dimensions of integrity, competence, consistence, loyalty and openness.As she is a leader, she must do the to minimize the possible employees resistance. The main task for the leader are as followed * Know his employees. * Know his customers * Think about the desired results * Empower People * Create a WinWin situation In this situation, Phyu Phyu Seinn acted as a Transformational Leader, that is, Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the organization by clarifying role and task requirements. , Leaders who are also capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on their follower. Stephen P. Robbins.For Mr. Chan, changing the nature of Customer unimportant Culture to Customer-centric Culture. Transforming the old believes to new opposite one. On the other hand, Phyu Phyu Seinn also acted as a Sponsor who provides resources, authority, or reinforcement neededto accomplish change and has the authority to modify reward systems or otheraspects of organizational culture. Role of Change Agent Change Agent means that Persons who act as catalysts & assume the responsibility for managing changeRobbins et al 1994 Qualities of the Change Agent * Flexibility * Objectivity * Commitment Leadership and inspiration of others * Ability to handle uncertainty * Organizational Awareness * Sense of Humor Here are tasks for the Change Agent, which was identified by for SHMT Home Mart culture change process. The tasks of the change agent are to get the commit ment to the change from the impact groups, to set up and strengthen the change network, to disseminate the information about change, to help and support the groups in implementing change processes, to make involvement and educate others to participate in the change, to monitor the whole change process. The First Stage . We prepared an Employee Profile Form to know the length of services, knowledge, qualifications, and summary of the current position. The total workforce number is 46 in Head Quarter. We made the entire total workforce to fill up the employee profile to know the record of the employees. 2. Analyzed the detail aspects of the job by using interviewing methods. 3. Sent out the job satisfaction questionnaires to know the satisfaction rate of employee. 4. Redraft and rethink the old bloated and ineffective organizational chart to ensure that human resources are fit with the right job. . Sent out the new job description HR Manager post to set up the proper HR Department. * Posted in Institutes and in some Universities. * Advertised through internet * Linked with Employment Agency * Posted in internal Notice Board 6. Started to with Billion Forces Co. , Ltd to introduce the HRIS software. The Second Stage 1. Draft and prepared Job Descriptions and Person Specifications to know the detail of their tasks, duties and responsibilities. 2. Set HR Policies in line with Organization Strategy and Philosophy 3.Prepared HR Forms in accordance with HR policy and procedures to have a proper and systematic HR system. 4. Completed an Employee Handbook, both in English and Myanmar, which constitutes all the aspects of HR policies, Attendance and leaves, and some procedures. 5. Interviewed to all the applicants, to get the right person at the right job in the right place. 6. Redrew a New Organization Chart, which is more effective, and lean structure than ever. the Third Stage 1. Implement the new organizational structure andHR procedures and rules, and transferred al l the necessary HR forms. 2.Set new salary scale level in accordance with secondary research data published by MRS (Myanmar Research Survey), 2011. 3. Held Human Resource Management Training to all the managerial and supervisor level, to know the importance of the Human Resource Management in the business organization. 4. Introduce the new figure print system to know the attendance of each and every employee. 5. Introduce the Employee Cards to record and improve the customer service and know the attendance of each and every employee. MD HR Manager Sr. Operation Manager Finance Manager Sale & Marketing ExecutiveAdministrative Manager Sr. Designer HR Officer As. Production Manager As. Logistic Manager As. Procurement Manager Chief Accountant Accountant-1 Accountant-2 Stock Controller Cashier (Shop 1) Cashier (Shop 2) SCM Administrative Officer Sale Manager Mobile Team Leader Sale Staff (Shop-2) Sale Staff (Shop-1) Mobile Team member IMC Officer Jr. Designer Inbound L. Officer Producti on Supervisors Production Leaders SCM Outbound L. Officer Managing the People issues Human Resource Management Strategy As organizationis comprising with people, there is more or less human resource factors for us to consider.Torrington and Hall (2008) defined Human Resource Strategy as a central philosophy that people in the organization are managed and transition of this into HR policies and practices, to become effective, policies and procedures need to be integrated with business or organizational strategy. In here, we are needed to be considered is that the HR strategy must Fit with business strategy which means employees are seen as key in the implementation of the declared organizational strategy and human resource strategy is designed to fit with it. Torrington and Hall (2008)The main aims of aligning the HRM with organizational strategy are to ensure the best utilization of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd employees to generate the organization performance and to reduce the level o f risk by arranging and organizing the right people, in the right place, to the right job and in the right time. For human resource issues, we drew a plan, which is to cover most likely cases of Cho Cho Phyu Company people issues. Topics covered for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd are as followed Motivating, Training and development, Reward System, managing Psychological issues and Appraisal systems. Motivating or Committing others to Change For every successful change management process, the motivation of the followers is one of the factors to consider. For most changes, peoples past experience of change can affect the level of commitment and willingness to support further change John Hayes (2002). So, as this is the first time for Cho Cho Phyu, we have a responsibility to win this change. To motivate the workforce, we set, firstly, a proper goal and linked with the non-financialreward system of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.We also set MD and Human Resource Manager as a role model for this change by visiting stores for every weeks, dealing with customers and giving speeches to employees about the importance customers. * Training Program Another issue during the department start-up time, we need to think about the training program. This is a new culture, people will not be familiar with it. For the first step, they have to understand what the new culture means for them. As this is the new culture, most of the sale staffs and supervisors would require a certain specific training for their job purposes.Each and every individual employees will be tested to ensure that they do have qualifications, skills and experiences to work with the new culture. We empowered change agents (managers) to persuade the workforce to attend and commit to the new culture. * Reward and appraisal system Another aspect is the reward and appraisal system. Organizational rewards are powerful incentives for improving employee and work group performance. Based on carrot and stick metaphor, we set both tan gible and intangible rewards for workforce. We made variety of reward, which is linked, with the culture of the organization.Reward such as recognition, contests, games, financial rewards, incentives, employee of the month or year awards which are mainly to show the appreciation for employee effort. We also made the reward systems link to the needs and wants of the individual employees. We used Houses Path-goal theory to motivate the workforce. * Managing Psychological Issues As people are human beings, there was many resistances to the new culture. Many people feel they were defeated, threatened, coercive by the new culture. Some people feel demoralized, stressful and frustrated for the change.So, from human resource management view point, we have a responsibility to take care and manage the psychological issues of the affected employees. That is why, we have made an agreement with HR department to make employee assistance program (EAP), stress management program and work-life-bala nce program. During the culture changing process, there can be some degree of redundancy. So, for survivors from the cuts, there can be shock, bitterness, anger and also peer and group pressures. Survivors need information about why action had to be taken and what the future holds for them personally. Compensation and Ethical Considerations During the change process, there can many be issues like layoffs and compensations for those who resist change. So, we made some financial and non-financial transition arrangements. we arranged transition stay bonus and outplacement programs for all the layoffs employees. As most of employees at Cho Cho Phyu are between twenty and twenty-eight, there are much potential for their whole life long. So, Ms. Aung arranged personal career counseling, resume preparation and typing services, interviewing workshops and referral assistance in the outplacement programs.Initiating and implementing the new Customer-centric Culture The change process goes thro ugh a series of stages that, in total, usually require a considerable length of time. Skipping stages creates only the illusion of speed and never produces a satisfying result. John Kotter, Leading Change To implement the new organizational culture, we were followed the model described by Kurt Lewis (1951). This is one of the best change model that is combining the theories of sociology and psychology, developed a three stage model for large-scale system change. Unfreezing phase This is the establishing stage for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, which is forced by the environment to implement the customer-centric culture as their competitors, or back off from this aggressive market. Unfreezing phase is first step of the Lewins change transition stages, where people are taken from the situation of being unready to change to the firststep of being able and willing to change. Schein(1995) states that in order for change to occur, there must be a combination of both adding driving force and remo ving restraining forces.Creating a sense of crisis will bring the whole components in the company into one voice. As the main aim of this stage is to let go the old culture of the organization, we, firstly, searched the bad points of the current culture and linked it with the issues and problems currently faced by the SHMT Home Mart. This step is the most important fundamental step for this whole change, we created a crisis burning platform to reduce the level of trust on the currently using culture. According to many researchers, most of the change processes are failed because of the unreliable vision and strategy.So, for second, we created a persuasive vision what we want to be? , then communicate it to the whole organization, to overcome the current crisis situation of the Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd. By drawing a clear vision and strategy in how to achieve that vision, the employees will understand how the new system will benefit them and they will progressively change their effort to support the implementation of the new culture. We made change agentsto set clear vision of customer-centricculture in implementation process of Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd.According to Lewin, this is a phase, which melt down the old beliefs, assumptions, and paradigm of organization. * Transition Phase this is a changing phase form the old undesired situation to the new desire situation. This is the hardest part for every individual to start. So, Ms. Aung, also made a pioneer team to facilitate the change situation. In this phase, the leader has to act like a king or role model. We made some form of coaching, counseling, reward, appraisal system, motivation and other psychological support for this phase.This phase get rid of anything which may vulnerablethe implementation plan of change process, including any unsuitable ideas, company structures, activities as well as existing beliefs which may potentially undermining or threatening the new culture implementation. Linking the reward and performance is very important for all change management process, and also with punitive actions. A sense of motivation is now needed for all employees to go to the goal of the organization. The project team also provided plenty of penalties of options for employee involvement in this change process.Giving opportunities to have delegation and empowerment can get the commitment of the employees. By announcing the short-term success also made the whole organization to generate motivation. * Refreezing phase At the end of our journey, the final goal is to refreeze the situation. Making short-term wins made the whole change process to run smoothly. As this new culture is very beneficial for both organization and staffs, each and every employees are very enthusiastic with the change. But in every change, there can be a Marathon Effect that is some people reached the aim while other people are still running from the start.Visionary and icon leadership supports, proper reward systems, a nd reliable feedback systems made the change process to get success. we also made the training and development sessions for all the impacted employees to get the desired and required results from change management. For every change, there can be a fall back to the old undesired stage. That is why we made burning bridges to ensure that there is no way to go back by establishing proper rules, regulations and policies and rewarding the successful employees whose behavior are aligned with the desired behavior. Communication StrategyCommunicating about the change throughout the whole organization is also the main point for all change champion, change leader and change agents to consider. Varey also said that culture and communication cannot be separated. People may feel shock, and deny in the first place, if the communication strategy is not well. So, we found out that we have to arrange it in the right timing during the transition process. We also used both formal and informal communica tion structure. In this strategy, we made people more rely on the formal communication system (that is meetings, speeches, briefing, discussion, memo, notice etc. rather than informal (that is rumors, gossips, conjectures and opinions). We planned the communication more focus on what, when, who and how, but there is no formula about the communication that can apply in all situation. In some circumstances, change agents may advocate a complete openness of about all the issues to the impact groups. Conclusion This change management is concerned not only for the employee job satisfactions and delights but also for the business organizations to get competitive advantage.In this changing environment, the environment that the businesses operate is rapidly and massively changing. Notable experience is that, in Myanmar, the demographic changes have hugely impact on the Myanmar Businesses. As it is a culture change for Cho Cho Phyu Co. , Ltd, we faced with many problems and it may take mor e than 1 year for the whole organization to accept and exercise the new culture. Although it is a new culture for the whole organization, it is very beneficial for both employees and employer. Because of that point, we can implement the whole change management in successful behavior.